(a) Cannibalization.
The dismantling of equipment for parts to repair or enhance other equipment. The residual is reported for disposal. Cannibalization is only authorized if the property value is greater when cannibalized than retention in the original condition.
Community-based educational organization means nonprofit organizations that are engaged in collaborative projects with pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade educational institutions or that have education as their primary focus. Such organizations shall qualify as nonprofit educational institutions for purposes of section 203(j) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 484(j) ).
Educational institution means a public or private, non-profit educational institution, encompassing pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade and two- and four-year institutions of higher education, as well as public school districts.
Educationally useful Federal equipment means computers and related peripheral tools (e.g., printers, modems, routers, and servers), including telecommunications and research equipment, that are appropriate for use in pre-kindergarten, elementary, middle, or secondary school education. It shall also include computer software, where the transfer of licenses is permitted.
(e) Excess personal property.
Items of personal property no longer required by the controlling Federal agency.
Federal empowerment zone or enterprise community (EZ/EC) means a rural area designated by the Secretary of Agriculture under 7 CFR part 25.
Non-profit organization means any corporation, trust association, cooperative, or other organization which:
Is operated primarily for scientific, educational, service, charitable, or similar purposes in the public interest;
Is not organized primarily for profit; and
Uses its net proceeds to maintain, improve, or expand its operations. For the purposes of this part, “non-profit organizations” may include utilities affiliated with institutions of higher education, or with state and local governments and federally recognized Indian tribes.
(h) Research equipment.
Federal property determined to be essential to conduct scientific or technical educational research.
(i) Technical and scientific education and research activities.
Non-profit tax exempt public educational institutions or government sponsored research organizations which serve to conduct technical and scientific education and research.
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 34456, July 3, 1995, as amended at 65 FR 69857, Nov. 21, 2000]