FNS and SFMNP State agencies will take reasonable steps to keep applicant and participant information/records private to the extent provided by law. Such steps include a requirement for each State agency to restrict the use or disclosure of information obtained from SFMNP applicants and participants to:
Persons directly connected with the administration or enforcement of the SFMNP, including persons investigating or prosecuting violations in the SFMNP under Federal, State or local authority;
Representatives of public organizations designated by the chief State agency officer (or, in the case of Indian Tribal governments acting as SFMNP State agencies, the governing authority) that administer food, nutrition, or other assistance programs that serve persons categorically eligible for the SFMNP. The State agency must execute a written agreement with each such designated organization:
Specifying that the receiving organization may employ SFMNP information only for the purpose of establishing the eligibility of SFMNP applicants and participants for food, nutrition, or other assistance programs that it administers and conducts outreach to SFMNP applicants and participants for such programs; and
Containing the receiving organization's assurance that it will not, in turn, disclose the information to a third party.
The Comptroller General of the United States for audit and examination authorized by law.