23.6—Plan of Work.
A State Annual Plan of Work for carrying out the programs authorized under title V shall be prepared. The Plan of Work should include:
Identification of major problems and needs which can be met by each related extension and research program in the geographic or problem area.
The relationship of this program to ongoing planning and development efforts.
The organizational structure for planning, conducting, and evaluating each pilot program, including the names and title of the members of the Rural Development Advisory Council and the composition of major committees and work groups.
A separate concise statement describing specific extension projects to be funded under each program. The statement should contain the following elements: Title, objectives, organization and operational procedures, probable duration, personnel, institutions involved, and relation to the research effort. In addition, a brief description of each regular or special extension project which is complementary and supports the title V pilot program, but which is funded from other sources shall be included.
A separate concise statement describing specific research projects to be funded under each program. The statement should contain the following elements: Title, objectives, organization, and operational procedures, probable duration, personnel, institutions involved, and relation to the extension effort. In addition, a brief description of each regular or special research project which is complementary and supports the title V program, but which is funded from other sources, shall be included.
A plan for evaluating the impact of each program on the development of the area, including the effectiveness of the extension and research program techniques, and organizational structure for planning and conducting each program. Appraisals by community leaders in the area should be included in the evaluation.
Provisions for making an annual progress report to the Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research, and Education which will document achievements pertaining to the goals and objectives as stated in the Plan of Work.
A budget statement for each program to be submitted on forms provided by the Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research, and Education.
The Plan of Work shall include plans for all programs to be conducted with funds authorized under section 503(b)(3) and (4) of title V. The Plan of Work shall include plans for the programs to be conducted by each cooperating and participating university or college and such other information as included in these guidelines. Each State program must include research and extension activities directed toward identification of programs which are likely to have the greatest impact upon accomplishing the objectives of rural development in both the short and longer terms and the use of these studies to support the State's comprehensive program to be supported under section 505(b) of title V. In addition, all other rural development extension and research efforts funded from other sources that contribute directly to the proposed programs shall be described in the Plan of Work.
Since the appropriation authorization for title V is limited to a three-year period the Plan of Work should be developed to demonstrate extension and research program techniques and organizational structures for providing essential knowledge to assist and support rural development efforts within that time.
In accordance with the above criteria, the Plan of Work should:
Concentrate on limited geographic or problem areas where title V efforts would be expected to have high impact within the three-year authorization.
Give emphasis to rural areas, including towns and cities with populations of less than 50,000.
Involve the administratively responsible Land Grant University and other public or private colleges and universities, as appropriate, in meeting with high priority extension and research needs of the area(s).
Give priority to education and research assistance leading to increasing job and income opportunities, improving quality of life, improving essential community services and facilities, improving housing and home improvements, and enhancing those social processes necessary to achieve these goals.
Be consistent with Statewide comprehensive planning and development efforts and objectives. Procedures set forth under § 23.4(c) are designed to achieve attainment of this requirement.
Four copies of the Plan of Work approved by the State Rural Development Advisory Council shall be submitted by the person responsible for the overall coordination of the title V programs in the State to the Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research and Education, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, within 60 days after enactment of the annual Appropriation Act for the Department of Agriculture.
Plans of Work not meeting the above criteria will not be approved by the Assistant Secretary for Conservation, Research and Education.