205.307—Labeling of nonretail containers used for only shipping or storage of raw or processed agricultural products labeled as “100 percent organic,” “organic,” or
Nonretail containers used only to ship or store raw or processed agricultural product labeled as containing organic ingredients may display the following terms or marks:
The name and contact information of the certifying agent which certified the handler which assembled the final product;
Identification of the product as organic;
Special handling instructions needed to maintain the organic integrity of the product;
The seal, logo, or other identifying mark of the certifying agent that certified the organic production or handling operation that produced or handled the finished product.
Nonretail containers used to ship or store raw or processed agricultural product labeled as containing organic ingredients must display the production lot number of the product if applicable.
Shipping containers of domestically produced product labeled as organic intended for export to international markets may be labeled in accordance with any shipping container labeling requirements of the foreign country of destination or the container labeling specifications of a foreign contract buyer: Provided, That, the shipping containers and shipping documents accompanying such organic products are clearly marked “For Export Only” and: Provided further, That, proof of such container marking and export must be maintained by the handler in accordance with recordkeeping requirements for exempt and excluded operations under § 205.101.