The following abbreviations are used in this subpart.
ASCS—Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service.
DAR—Damage Assessment Report.
ELAT—Emergency Loan Assessment Team.
ELST—Emergency Loan Support Team.
EOH—USDA Emergency Operations Handbook.
FAC—Food and Agriculture Council.
FCIC—Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
FCO—Federal Coordinating Officer.
FEMA—Federal Emergency Management Agency.
FmHA—Farmers Home Administration or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354.
LFAC—Local Food and Agriculture Council.
NASS—State Statistical Office of the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.
OMB—Office of Management and Budget.
SBA—Small Business Administration.
SFAC—USDA State Food and Agriculture Council.
USDA—United States Department of Agriculture.