RUS will normally prepare an EA for all proposed actions which are neither categorical exclusions ( §§ 1794.21 and 1794.22) nor normally requiring an EIS ( § 1794.25 ). For certain actions within this class, scoping and document procedures contained in §§ 1794.50 through 1794.54 shall be followed (see § 1794.24 ). The following are proposed actions which normally require an EA and shall be subject to the requirements of §§ 1794.40 through 1794.44.
(a) General.
Issuance or modification of RUS regulations concerning environmental matters.
(b) Telecommunications and water and waste programs.
An EA shall be prepared for applications for financial assistance for all proposed actions not specifically defined as a CE or otherwise specifically categorized by the Administrator on a case-by-case basis.
(c) Electric program.
Applications for financial assistance for certain proposed actions normally require the preparation of an EA. Proposed actions falling within this classification are:
Construction of fuel cell, combustion turbine, combined cycle, or diesel generating facilities of 50 MW (nameplate rating) or less at a new site (no existing generating capacity) except for items covered by § 1794.22(a)(8). All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EA;
Construction of fuel cell, combustion turbine, combined cycle, or diesel generating facilities of 100 MW (nameplate rating) or less at an existing generating site, except for items covered by § 1794.22(a)(8). All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EA;
Construction of any other type of new electric generating facility of 20 MW (nameplate rating) or less, except for items covered by § 1794.22(a)(8). All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EA;
Repowering or uprating of an existing unit(s) at a fossil-fueled generating station where the existing fuel combustion technology of the affected unit(s) is substituted for another (e.g. coal or oil-fired boiler is converted to a fluidized bed boiler or replaced with a combustion turbine unit);
Installation of new generating units at an existing hydroelectric facility or dam, or the replacement of existing generating units at a hydroelectric facility or dam which will result in a change in the normal maximum surface area or normal maximum surface elevation of the existing impoundment. All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EA;
A new drilling operation or the expansion of a mining or drilling operation;
Construction of cooperative headquarters, maintenance, and equipment storage facilities involving more than 10 acres (4 hectares) of physical disturbance or fenced property;
The construction of electric power lines and related facilities designed for and capable of operation at a nominal voltage of 230 kV or more involving more than three miles (4.8 kilometers) but not more than 25 miles (40 kilometers) of line;
The construction of electric power lines and related facilities designed for or capable of operation at a nominal voltage of 69 kV or more but less than 230 kV where more than 25 miles (40 kilometers) of power line are involved;
The construction of substations or switching stations requiring greater than five acres (2 hectares) of new physical disturbance at a single site; and
Construction of facilities designed for the transfer and storage of ash, scrubber wastes, and other byproducts from coal-fired electric generating stations that will be located beyond the existing facility site boundaries.
Installing a heat recovery steam generator and steam turbine with a rating of more than 200 MW on an existing combustion turbine generation site for the purpose of combined cycle operation. All new associated facilities and related electric power lines shall be covered in the EA.
Construction of a natural gas pipeline to serve an existing gas-fueled generating facility.
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 68655, Dec. 11, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 45159, Aug. 1, 2003]