The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
Each borrower shall select one or more qualified persons to perform the engineering services involved in the planning, design, and construction management of the system.
Each borrower shall retain or employ one or more qualified engineers to inspect and certify all new construction in accordance with § 1724.32. The engineer must not be the borrower's manager.
The selection of the engineer is not subject to RUS approval unless specifically required by RUS on a case by case basis. Engineer's qualification information need not be submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by RUS on a case by case basis.
The engineer's duties are specified under the Engineering Services Contract and under part 1726 of this chapter. The borrower shall ensure that the engineer executes all certificates and other instruments pertaining to the engineering details required by RUS.
Additional requirements related to appropriate seismic safety measures are contained in part 1792, subpart C, of this chapter, Seismic Safety of Federally Assisted New Building Construction.
If the facilities are RUS financed, the borrower shall submit or require the engineer to submit one copy of each construction progress report to RUS upon RUS' request.