The following primary support documents and studies must be prepared by the borrower for approval by RUS in order to support a loan application:
(a) Load forecast.
The load forecast provides the borrower and RUS with an understanding of the borrower's future system loads, the factors influencing those loads, and estimates of future loads. The load forecast provides a basis for projecting annual electricity (kWh) sales and revenues, and for engineering estimates of plant additions required to provide reliable service to meet the forecasted loads. Subpart E of this part contains the information to be included in a load forecast and when an approved load forecast is required.
(b) Construction work plan (CWP).
The CWP shall specify and document the capital investments required to serve a borrower's planned new loads, improve service reliability and quality, and service the changing needs of existing loads. The requirements for a CWP are set forth in subpart F of this part.
(c) Long-range financial forecasts.
RUS encourages borrowers to maintain on a current basis a long-range financial forecast, which should be used by a borrower's board of directors and manager to guide the system toward its financial goals. The forecast submitted in support of a loan application shall show the projected results of future actions planned by the board of directors. The requirements for a long-range financial forecast are set forth in subpart G of this part.
(d) Borrower's environmental report (BER).
This document is used to determine what effect the construction of the facilities included in the construction work plan will have on the environment. In developing a BER a borrower shall follow the policy and procedural requirements set forth in 7 CFR part 1794. After reviewing the BER, RUS will determine whether additional environmental studies will be required.
Code of Federal Regulations
[57 FR 1053, Jan. 9, 1992, as amended at 65 FR 14786, Mar. 20, 2000]