1996 Act means the Federal Agriculture Improvement Act of 1996.
Act means the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901
et seq. ).
Administrator means the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service, or designee or successor.
Applicant means an eligible organization that applies for financial assistance under this subpart.
Approved purposes means project purposes for which grant, loan, or combination loan and grant financial assistance may be expended.
Champion community means any community that submitted a valid application to become a USDA Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) area, that met the requirements to be designated an EZ/EC area, but not chosen because their score was not high enough to be selected.
Combination loan and grant means a grant in combination with a loan made under the DLT program.
Completed application means an application that includes all those items specified in §§ 1703.125, 1703.134, and 1703.144 in form and substance satisfactory to the Administrator.
Computer networks mean computer hardware and software, terminals, signal conversion equipment including both modulators and demodulators, or related devices, used to communicate with other computers to process and exchange data through a telecommunication network in which signals are generated, modified, or prepared for transmission, or received, via telecommunications terminal equipment and telecommunications transmission facilities.
Consortium means a combination or group of entities formed to undertake the purposes for which the distance learning and telemedicine financial assistance is provided. At least one of the entities in a consortium must meet the requirements of § 1703.103.
Construct means to acquire, construct, extend, improve, or install a facility or system.
Data terminal equipment means equipment that converts user information into data signals for transmission, or reconverts the received data signals into user information, and is normally found on the terminal of a circuit and on the premises of the end user.
Distance learning means a telecommunications link to an end user through the use of eligible equipment to:
Provide educational programs, instruction, or information originating in one area, whether rural or not, to students and teachers who are located in rural areas; or
Connect teachers and students, located in one rural area with teachers and students that are located in a different rural area.
DLT borrower means an entity that has an outstanding loan under the provisions of the DLT program.
DLT program means the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Loan and Grant Program administered by RUS.
Economic useful life as applied to equipment and facilities financed under the DLT program means the number of years resulting from dividing 100 percent by the depreciation rate (expressed as a percent) based on Internal Revenue Service depreciation rules or recognized telecommunications industry guidelines.
Eligible equipment means computer hardware and software, audio or video equipment, computer network components, telecommunications terminal equipment, data terminal equipment, inside wiring, interactive video equipment, or other facilities that would further telemedicine services or distance learning services.
Eligible facilities means land, buildings, or building construction needed to carry out an eligible distance learning or telemedicine project for loan financial assistance only.
Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community (EZ/EC) means any community whose designation as such by USDA pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 1391
et seq., is in effect at the time RUS agrees to provide financial assistance.
End user is one or more of the following:
Rural elementary, secondary schools, and other educational institutions, such as institutions of higher education, vocational and adult training and education centers, libraries, and teacher training centers, and students, teachers and instructors using such rural educational facilities, that participate in a rural distance learning telecommunications program through a project funded under this subpart;
Rural hospitals, primary care centers or facilities, such as medical centers, nursing homes, and clinics, and physicians and staff using such rural medical facilities, that participate in a rural telemedicine program through a project funded under this subpart; and
Other rural community facilities, institutions, or entities that receive distance learning or telemedicine services.
End user site means a facility that is part of a network or telecommunications system that is utilized by end users.
Financial assistance means a grant, combination loan and grant, or loan.
GFR means RUS telecommunications program General Field Representative.
Grant documents means the grant agreement, including any amendments and supplements thereto, between RUS and the grantee.
Grantee means a recipient of a grant from RUS to carry out the purposes of the DLT program.
Guarantee means a guarantee for a loan provided by a RUS borrower or other qualified third party.
Hub means a facility that is part of a network or telecommunications system that provides educational or medical services to end user sites.
Instructional programming means educational material, including computer software, which would be used for educational purposes in connection with eligible equipment but does not include salaries, benefits, and overhead of medical or educational personnel.
Interactive equipment means equipment used to produce and prepare for transmission audio and visual signals from at least two distant locations so that individuals at such locations can orally and visually communicate with each other. Such equipment includes monitors, other display devices, cameras or other recording devices, audio pickup devices, and other related equipment.
Loan means a loan made under the DLT program bearing interest at a rate equal to the then current cost-of-money to the government.
Loan documents mean the loan agreement, note, and security instrument, including any amendments and supplements thereto, between RUS and the DLT borrower.
Local exchange carrier means a commercial, cooperative or mutual-type association, or public body that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access.
Matching contribution means the applicant's contribution for approved purposes.
National school lunch program (NSLP) means the federally assisted meal program established under the National School Lunch Act of 1946 (42 U.S.C. 1751 ).
Project means approved purposes for which financial assistance has been provided.
Project service area means the area in which at least 90 percent of the persons to be served by the project are likely to reside.
Recipient means a grantee, borrower, or both of a DLT program grant, loan or combination loan and grant.
Rural community facility means a facility such as a school, library, learning center, training facility, hospital, or medical facility that provides educational or health care benefits primarily to residents of rural areas.
RUS means the Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture, successor to the Rural Electrification Administration.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture.
Technical assistance means:
Assistance in learning to manage, operate, or use equipment or systems; and
Studies, analyses, designs, reports, manuals, guides, literature, or other forms of creating, acquiring, or disseminating information.
Telecommunications carrier means any provider of telecommunications services.
Telecommunications or electric borrower means an entity that has outstanding RUS or Rural Telephone Bank electric or telecommunications loans or loan guarantees under the provisions of the Act.
Telecommunications systems plan means the plan submitted by an applicant in accordance with § 1703.125 for grants, § 1703.134 for a combination loan and grant, or § 1703.144 for loans.
Telecommunications terminal equipment means the assembly of telecommunications equipment at the end of a circuit or path of a signal, including but not limited to facilities that receive or transmit over the air broadcast, satellite, and microwave, normally located on the premises of the end user, that interfaces with telecommunications transmission facilities, and that is used to modify, convert, encode, or otherwise prepare signals to be transmitted via such telecommunications facilities, or that is used to modify, reconvert, or carry signals received from such facilities, the purpose of which is to accomplish the goal for which the circuit or signal was established.
Telecommunications transmission facilities means facilities that transmit, receive, or carry voice, video, or data between the telecommunications terminal equipment at each end of the telecommunications circuit or path. Such facilities include microwave antennae, relay stations and towers, other telecommunications antennae, fiber-optic cables and repeaters, coaxial cables, communication satellite ground station complexes, copper cable electronic equipment associated with telecommunications transmissions, and similar items.
Telemedicine means a telecommunications link to an end user through the use of eligible equipment which electronically links medical professionals at separate sites in order to exchange health care information in audio, video, graphic, or other format for the purpose of providing improved health care services primarily to residents of rural areas.
Code of Federal Regulations
[64 FR 14357, Mar. 25, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 3040, Mar. 11, 2002]