The Bank makes loans, under section 408 of the Act, concurrently with RUS cost-of-money loans made under section 305(d)(2) of the Act. To qualify for concurrent Bank and RUS cost-of-money loans on or after November 1, 1993, a borrower must meet each of the following requirements:
The average number of proposed subscribers per mile of line in the service area of the borrower is not more than 15, or the borrower has a projected TIER (including the proposed loans) of at least 1.0, but not greater than 5.0, as determined by the feasibility study prepared in connection with the loans, see 7 CFR part 1737, subpart H; and
The Administrator of RUS has approved and the borrower is participating in a telecommunications modernization plan for the state, see 7 CFR part 1751, subpart B.
The loan amounts from each program (Bank, including amounts for class B stock, and RUS cost-of-money) will be proportionate to the total amount of funds appropriated for the fiscal year for Bank loans and RUS cost-of-money loans. To determine the Bank portion, the total loan amount will be multiplied by the ratio of Bank funds appropriated for the fiscal year to the sum of RUS cost-of-money and Bank funds appropriated for the fiscal year in which the loan is approved. The same method would be used to calculate the RUS cost-of-money portion (see 7 CFR 1735.31(b) ). If during the fiscal year the amount of funds appropriated changes, the ratio will be adjusted accordingly and applied only to those loans approved afterwards.
The actual rate of interest on the Bank loan shall be determined as provided in § 1610.10; the RUS cost-of-money loan shall bear interest at a rate equal to the current cost of money to the Federal Government, on the date of advance of funds to the borrower, for loans of similar maturity, but not more than 7 percent per year (see 7 CFR 1735.31(c) ).
Generally, no more than 10 percent of lending authority from appropriations in any fiscal year for Bank and RUS cost-of-money loans may be loaned to a single borrower. The Bank will publish by notice in the Federal Register the dollar limit that may be loaned to a single borrower in that particular fiscal year based on approved Bank and RUS lending authority.
Code of Federal Regulations
[58 FR 66252, Dec. 20, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 46869, Sept. 5, 1997]