1486.303—What specific contracting procedures must be adhered to?
The Recipient has full and sole responsibility for the legal sufficiency of all contracts it may enter into with one or more third parties in order to carry out an approved project and shall assume financial liability for any costs or claims resulting from suits, challenges, or other disputes based on contracts entered into by the Recipient. Neither CCC nor any other agency of the United States Government or any official or employee of CCC or the United States Government has any obligation or responsibility with respect to Recipient contracts with third parties.
Recipients are responsible for ensuring to the extent possible that the terms, conditions, and costs of contracts constitute the most economical and effective use of project funds.
All fees for professional and consulting services paid to third parties in any part with project funds must be covered by written contracts.
Ensure that all expenditures for goods and services in excess of $25 reimbursed by CCC are documented by a purchase order, invoice, or contract;
Ensure that no employee or officer participates in the selection or award of a contract in which such employee or officer, or the employee's or officer's family or partners has a financial interest or gains a financial benefit;
Conduct all contracting in an open manner. Individuals who develop or draft specifications, requirements, statements of work, invitations for bids, or requests for proposals for procurement of any goods or services shall be excluded from competition for such procurement;
Base each solicitation for professional or consulting services on a clear and accurate description of the requirements for the services to be procured;
Perform some form of fee, price, or cost analysis, such as a comparison of price quotations to market prices or other price indicia, to determine the reasonableness of the offered fees or prices; and
Document the decision-making process.