The State Conservationist will:
Identify State priority resource concerns, with the advice of the State Technical Committee, which directly contribute toward meeting national priorities and measures, and will use NRCS's accountability system and other accountability tools to establish local level goals and treatment objectives;
Identify, as appropriate and necessary, designated conservationists who are NRCS employees that are assigned the responsibility to administer EQIP in specific areas; and
Use the following to determine how to manage EQIP and how to allocate funds within a State:
The nature and extent of priority resource concerns at the State and local level;
The availability of human resources, incentive programs, educational programs, and on-farm research programs from public, private, and Tribal sources, to assist with the activities related to the priority resource concerns;
The existence of multi-county and/or multi-State collaborative efforts to address regional priority resource concerns;
Program performance and results;
The degree of difficulty that producers face in complying with environmental laws; and
The presence of additional priority resource concerns and specialized farming operations, including but not limited to, specialty crop producers, organic producers, and small-scale farms.