1466.4—National priorities.
The following national priorities, consistent with statutory resource concerns that include soil, water, wildlife, air quality, and related resource concerns, will be used in EQIP implementation:
Reductions of nonpoint source pollution, such as nutrients, sediment, pesticides, or excess salinity in impaired watersheds consistent with total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) where available; the reduction of surface and groundwater contamination; and the reduction of contamination from agricultural point sources, such as concentrated animal feeding operations;
Conservation of ground and surface water resources;
Reduction of emissions, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and ozone precursors and depleters that contribute to air quality impairment violations of National Ambient Air Quality Standards;
Reduction in soil erosion and sedimentation from unacceptable levels on agricultural land; and
Promotion of at-risk species habitat conservation.
In consultation with other Federal agencies, NRCS will undertake periodic reviews of the national priorities and the effects of program delivery at the State and local level to adapt the program to address emerging resource issues. NRCS will:
Use the national priorities to guide the allocation of EQIP funds to the NRCS State offices,
Use the national priorities in conjunction with State and local priorities to assist with prioritization and selection of EQIP applications, and
Periodically review and update the national priorities utilizing input from the public and affected stakeholders to ensure that the program continues to address priority resource concerns.