Step | Calculation |
1 | Subtract all 2002 undermarketings from the 2003 marketings, including undermarketings from the parent farm in any special tobacco combinations. Leased pounds are apportioned undermarketing history by dividing the transferring farm's undermarketings by the transferring farm's effective quota, before any temporary transfers, resulting in the percentage of undermarketings that were leased. |
2 | Multiply the 2003 marketings remaining after Step 1 times 1.12486 (the 2003-BQL adjustment factor). |
3 | Add the undermarketings that were subtracted in Step 1 to the sum of Step 2 to determine the farm 2003 BQL. |
4 | Multiply the sum from Step 3 times the producer's share in the 2003 crop to determine the producer's 2003 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Subtract all 2003 undermarketings from the 2004 effective quota, including undermarketings from the parent farm in any special tobacco combinations. Leased pounds are apportioned undermarketing history by dividing the transferring farm's undermarketings by the transferring farm's effective quota, before any temporary transfers, resulting in the percentage of undermarketings that were leased. |
2 | Multiply the 2004 effective quota remaining after Step 1 times 1.071295 (the 2004 BQL adjustment factor). |
3 | Multiply the undermarketings that were subtracted in Step 1 times 1.12486 (the 2003 BQL adjustment factor). |
4 | Add the effective quota from Step 2 to the undermarketings in Step 3 to determine the farm 2004 BQL. |
5 | Multiply the sum from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2004 crop to determine the producer's 2004 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Subtract all 2002 undermarketings from the 2003 marketings, including undermarketings from the parent farm in any special tobacco combinations. |
2 | Multiply the 2003 marketings remaining after Step 1 times 1.10497 (the 2003 BQL adjustment factor). |
3 | Add the undermarketings that were subtracted in Step 1 to the sum of Step 2 to determine the farm 2003 BQL. |
4 | Multiply the sum from step 3 times the producer's share in the 2003 crop to determine the producer's 2003 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Subtract all 2003 undermarketings from the 2004 effective quota, including undermarketings from the parent farm in any special tobacco combinations. |
2 | Multiply the 2004 effective quota remaining after Step 1 times 1.23457 (the 2004 BQL adjustment factor). |
3 | Multiply the undermarketings that were subtracted in Step 1 times 1.10497 (the 2003 BQL adjustment factor). |
4 | Add the effective quota from Step 2 to the undermarketings in Step 3 to determine the farm 2004 BQL. |
5 | Multiply the sum from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2004 crop to determine the producer's 2004 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2004 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2002 special tobacco combination acres times the 2002-equivalence factor of 1.000. |
3 | Multiply the sum from Step 2 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2002 farm special tobacco combination pounds total. |
4 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 3 to get the 2004 farm BQL total. |
5 | Multiply the sum from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2002 crop to get the producer 2002 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2003 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2003 special tobacco combination acres times the 2003 BQL adjustment factor of 0.8929. |
3 | Multiply the sum from Step 2 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2003 farm special tobacco combination pounds total. |
Code of Federal Regulations
4 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 3 to get the 2003 farm BQL total. |
5 | Multiply the sum from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2003 crop to get the producer 2003 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2004 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2004 special tobacco combination acres times the 2004 BQL adjustment factor of 0.9398. |
3 | Multiply the sum from Step 2 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2004 to get the 2003 farm special tobacco combination pounds total. |
4 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 3 to get the 2004 farm BQL total. |
5 | Multiply the sum from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2004 crop to get the producer 2004 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2002 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2002 special tobacco combination acres times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2002 special tobacco combinations pounds total. |
3 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 2. |
4 | Multiply any 2002 acres leased to or from the farm times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2002 lease pounds total. Then, to the sum from either: |
(i) Step 3, add pounds leased to the farm to get the farm 2002 BQL total | |
(ii)Step 3, subtract pounds leased from the farm to get the farm 2002 BQL total. | |
5 | Multiply the result from Step 4 times the producer's share in the 2002 crop to get the producer 2002 BQL. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2003 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2003 special tobacco combinations acres times the applicable 2003 BQL adjustment factor: |
(i) Fire-cured (type 21)—1.0000 | |
(ii) Fire-cured (types 22-23)—.980392 | |
(iii) Dark Air-cured (35-36)—.952381 | |
(iv) Virginia Sun-cured (type 37) 1.0000 | |
3 | Multiply the sum from Step 2 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2003 farm special tobacco combination pounds total. |
4 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 3. |
5 | Multiply any 2003 acres leased times the applicable 2003 BQL adjustment factor: |
(i) Fire-cured (type 21) 1.0000 | |
(ii) Fire-cured (types 22-23)—.980392 | |
(iii) Dark Air-cured (35-36)—.952381 | |
(iv) Virginia Sun-cured (type 37) 1.0000 | |
6 | Multiply the sum from Step 5 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2003 lease pounds total. |
7 | To the sum from Step 4 either: |
(i) Add pounds from Step 6 leased to the farm to get the farm 2003 BQL total | |
(ii) Subtract pounds from Step 6 leased from the farm to get the farm 2003 BQL total. | |
8 | Multiply the sum from Step 7 times the producer's share in the 2003 crop to get the producer 2003 BQL total. |
Step | Calculation |
1 | Multiply the 2002 farm's basic allotment times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2004 farm base pounds total. |
2 | Multiply any 2004 special tobacco combinations acres times the applicable 2004 BQL adjustment factor: |
(i) Fire-cured (type 21) 1.0000 | |
(ii) Fire-cured (types 22-23)—.951837 | |
(iii) Dark Air-cured (35-36)—.94264 | |
(iv) Virginia Sun-cured (type 37) 1.0000 | |
3 | Multiply the sum from Step 2 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2004 farm special tobacco combination pounds total. |
4 | Add the sum from Step 1 to the sum from Step 3. |
5 | Multiply any 2004 acres leased times the applicable 2004 BQL adjustment factor: |
(i) Fire-cured (type 21) 1.0000 | |
(ii) Fire-cured (types 22-23)—.951837 | |
(iii) Dark Air-cured (35-36)—.92464 | |
(iv) Virginia Sun-cured (type 37) 1.0000 | |
6 | Multiply the sum from Step 5 times the farm's average yield for 2001, 2002, and 2003 to get the 2004 lease pounds total. |
7 | To the sum from Step 4 either: |
(i) Add pounds from Step 6 leased to the farm to get the farm 2004 BQL total | |
(ii) Subtract pounds from Step 6 leased from the farm to get the farm 2004 BQL total. | |
8 | Multiply the sum from Step 7 times the producer's share in the 2004 crop to get the producer 2004 BQL total. |