Forage eligible for benefits under this part is limited to mature vegetation, as determined by CCC, produced in a commercial operation in three or more of the last five crop years, except producers who have not produced forage for the minimum period in order to preserve vegetation and prevent erosion, or otherwise mitigate the impact of disaster conditions, as determined by CCC, shall not be penalized. Benefits are not available for first-year seeding of alfalfa and similar vegetation when production is not produced in the seeding year, as determined by CCC. The commercial operation must use acceptable farming, pasture and range management practices for the location necessary to sustain sufficient quality and quantity of the vegetation so as to be suitable for grazing livestock or mechanical harvest as hay or seed. Forage to be mechanically harvested shall be treated under the rules for low-yield crops as calculated under § 1437.103, except claims on forage for grazing benefits will be determined according to paragraph (f) of this section. The provisions in this subpart, however, shall govern for all claims including forage for mechanical harvest.
Producers of forage must, in addition to the records required in § 1437.7, specify the intended method of harvest of all acreage intended as forage for livestock consumption as either mechanically or grazed.
Producers must, in the administrative FSA office for the unit, request an appraisal prior to the onset of grazing of any intended mechanically harvested forage acreage that will be both mechanically harvested and grazed.
Forage acreage reported to CCC as intended to be mechanically harvested, but which is, instead, subsequently grazed, will be considered, for crop definition purposes, as mechanically harvested. Expected production of the specific acreage will be calculated on the basis of carrying capacity. The loss of such grazed forage shall be determined according to paragraph (f) of this section. Except, beginning with the 2005 crop year, for acreage intended to be mechanically harvested which is instead, subsequently grazed, the loss of intended mechanically harvested forage may alternatively be determined based on a review of acceptable production evidence or appraisal of the specific crop acreage. As part of the payment computation for this loss, intended mechanically harvested forage crop acreage that is not mechanically harvested, but instead grazed, shall be deemed to be un-harvested for the purposes of determining a payment factor.
Small grain forage is the specific acreage of wheat, barley, oats, triticale, or rye intended for use as forage. Small grain forage shall be considered separate crops and distinct from any other forage commodities and other intended uses of the small grain commodity. In addition to the records required in § 1437.7 producers must specify whether the intended forage crop is intended for fall/winter, spring, or total season forage. In addition to other eligibility requirements, CCC will consider other factors, such as, water sources and available fencing, and adequate fertilization to determine small grain forage eligibility, yields, and production.
CCC will establish forage losses of acreage intended to be grazed including, in some cases, acreage intended to be mechanically harvested but instead subsequently grazed, on the basis of:
The percentages of loss of similar mechanically-harvested forage acreage on the farm, or on similar farms in the area when approved yields have been calculated to determine loss, or
Where there is no similar mechanically-harvested forage acreage on the farm or similar farms in the area, the collective percentage of loss as determined by CCC for the geographical region after consideration of at least two independent assessments of grazed forage acreage conditions. The assessments shall be completed by forage or range specialists in Federal, State, and local government agencies, educational institutions, and private companies not having a financial interest in the outcome of the assessment. Neither the assessments themselves, nor collective loss percentages established pursuant thereto are subject to appeal. CCC's determinations of geographical area for assessments and collective grazing loss are generally applicable to all similarly situated participants farming in such defined geographical region.
Code of Federal Regulations
[67 FR 12448, Mar. 19, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 13746, Mar. 17, 2006]