An average market price will be used to calculate assistance under this part and will be:
A dollar value per the applicable unit of measure of the eligible crop;
Determined on a harvested basis without the inclusion of transportation, storage, processing, marketing, or other post-harvest expenses, as determined by CCC;
Comparable with established FCIC prices; and
Determined, as practicable, for each intended use of a crop type within a State, as determined by CCC, for a crop year.
For these purposes, where needed, an Animal-unit-days (AUD) value will be based on the national average price of corn and the daily requirement of 13.6 megacalories of net energy for maintenance of 1 animal unit.
Payment factors will be used to calculate assistance for crops produced with significant and variable harvesting expenses that are not incurred because the crop acreage was prevented planted or planted but not harvested, as determined by CCC.
An adjusted market price will be calculated based on the provisions in this section and others as may apply. A final payment price will be determined by multiplying, as appropriate, the average market price by the applicable payment factor (i.e., harvested, unharvested, or prevented planting) by 55 percent or, by multiplying the applicable AUD (as adjusted, if adjusted) by 55 percent.
Code of Federal Regulations
[67 FR 12448, Mar. 19, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 13744, Mar. 17, 2006]