Any processor, refiner, or importer of sugar, syrup, and molasses who willfully fails or refuses to furnish the information, or who willfully furnishes false data required under § 1435.200(a) through (e), is subject to a civil penalty of no more than the amount specified at § 3.91(b)(10)(ii) of this title for each such violation.
The Controller, CCC, shall assess civil penalties and interest.
Affected processors, refiners, and importers of sugar, syrup, and molasses may request reconsideration of civil penalties by filing a request, within 30 days of receipt of certified written notification from the Controller, CCC, of such assessment of civil penalties, with the Executive Vice President, CCC, Stop 0501, 1400 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20250-0501.
After reconsideration, affected processors, refiners, or importers of sugar, syrup, and molasses may appeal civil penalties by filing a notice of appeal, within 30 calendar days of receipt of certified written notification from the Executive Vice President, CCC, of an affirmation of the assessment of civil penalties, with the National Appeals Division under part 780 of this title.
Code of Federal Regulations
[67 FR 54928, Aug. 26, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15635, Apr. 6, 2009; 75 FR 17561, Apr. 7, 2010]