With respect to marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments for:
Farm-stored commodities, all determinations of weight, and quality, except as otherwise agreed to or required by CCC, shall be determined at the time of delivery of the commodity to CCC or at the time the loan deficiency payment application is filed for measured requests, if applicable or selected for spot-check for certified requests.
Warehouse-stored commodities, all determinations of grade, weight and quality, except as otherwise agreed to or required by CCC, shall be determined at the time the loan or LDP is requested when acceptable documentation, under §§ 1421.9, 1421.106, and 1421.107 as applicable” 1421.9, 1421.106, and 1421.107 as applicable , accompanies the loan or LDP request.
A producer may, before the final loan availability date for obtaining a marketing assistance loan for a commodity, repledge as collateral for securing a marketing assistance loan any commodity that had been previously pledged as collateral for a marketing assistance loan, except with respect to:
Commodities that have been acquired with commodity certificate exchanges under part 1401 of this chapter ;
Commodities that have been redeemed at the prevailing world market price for rice, or the alternative repayment rate for all other commodities, as determined by CCC.
Commodities on which a loan deficiency payment has been received.
The commodity repledged as security for the subsequent loan shall have the same maturity date, under § 1421.101 as the original loan.
The marketing assistance loan documents shall not be presented for disbursement unless the commodity subject to the note and security agreement is an eligible harvested commodity, is in existence, and is in authorized farm or warehouse storage, as determined by CCC. If the commodity was not either an eligible commodity, in existence, or in authorized storage at the time of disbursement, the total amount disbursed under the marketing assistance loan and charges plus interest shall be refunded promptly by the producer.
CCC shall limit the total marketing assistance loan quantity for a loan disbursement, or loan deficiency payment quantity for a loan deficiency payment, based on a subsequent increase in the quantity of an eligible commodity by the final loan availability date to 100 percent of the outstanding quantity of such marketing assistance loan or loan deficiency payment application. A producer may obtain a separate marketing assistance loan or loan deficiency payment before the final loan availability date for the commodity for quantities in excess of 100 percent of such quantity if such quantities are otherwise eligible.
Code of Federal Regulations
[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009]