The following definitions are applicable for all purposes of administering LIP-II.
Adult beef bull means a male bovine animal that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes before it died.
Adult beef cow means a female bovine animal that had delivered one or more offspring before dying. A first-time bred beef heifer shall also be considered an adult beef cow if it was pregnant at the time it died.
Adult buffalo and beefalo bull means a male animal of those breeds that were at least 2 years old and used for breeding purposes before it died.
Adult buffalo and beefalo cow means a female animal of those breeds that had delivered one or more offspring before dying. A first-time bred buffalo or beefalo heifer shall also be considered an adult buffalo or beefalo cow if it was pregnant at the time it died.
Adult dairy bull means a male bovine animal of a breed used for producing milk for human consumption that was at least 2 years old and used for breeding dairy cows before it died.
Adult dairy cow means a female bovine animal used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption that had delivered one or more offspring before dying. A first-time bred dairy heifer shall also be considered an adult dairy cow if it was pregnant at the time it died.
Agricultural operation means a farming operation.
Application means the “2005 Hurricanes Livestock Indemnity Program II Application” form.
Buck means a male goat.
Catfish means catfish grown as food for human consumption by a commercial operator on private property in water in a controlled environment.
Contract means, with respect to contracts for the handling of livestock, a written agreement between a livestock owner and another individual or entity setting the specific terms, conditions and obligations of the parties involved regarding the production of livestock or livestock products.
Controlled environment means an environment in which everything that can practicably be controlled with structures, facilities, growing media (including but not limited to water and nutrients) by the producer, is in fact controlled by the producer.
Crawfish means crawfish grown as food for human consumption by a commercial operator on private property in water in a controlled environment.
Disaster period means the applicable disaster period as set forth in § 1416.2.
Doe means a female goat.
Equine animal means a domesticated horse, mule or donkey.
Ewe means a female sheep.
Goat means a domesticated, ruminant mammal of the genus Capra, including Angora goats. Goats will be further delineated by sex (bucks and does) and age (kids).
Kid means a goat less than 1 year old.
Lamb means a sheep less than 1 year old.
Non-adult beef cattle means male, female or neutered male bovines that do not meet the definition of adult beef cows or bulls. Non-adult beef cattle is further delineated by weight categories of less than 400 pounds, and 400 pounds or more at the time they died.
Non-adult buffalo or beefalo means a male, female or neutered male animal of those breeds that do not meet the definition of adult buffalo/beefalo cow or bull. Non-adult buffalo or beefalo is further delineated by weight categories of less than 400 pounds, and 400 pounds or more at the time of death.
Non-adult dairy cattle means male, female, or neutered male bovine livestock, of a breed used for the purpose of providing milk for human consumption, that do not meet the definition of adult dairy cows or bulls. Non-adult dairy cattle is further delineated by weight categories of less than 400 pounds, and 400 pounds or more at the time they died.
Poultry means domesticated chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. Poultry will be further delineated by sex, age and purpose of production, as determined by CCC.
Ram means a male sheep.
Sheep means domesticated, ruminant mammals of the genus Ovis. Sheep will be further delineated by sex (rams and ewes) and age (lambs).
Swine means domesticated omnivorous pigs, hogs, and boars. Swine will be further delineated by sex and weight as determined by CCC.