Department means the United States Department of Agriculture.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States or any other officer or employee of the Department to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom there may hereafter be delegated, the authority to act in the Secretary's stead.
Board means the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board established pursuant to the Act and this subpart.
Committee means the Beef Promotion Operating Committee established pursuant to the Act and this subpart.
Person means any individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, cooperative, or any other entity.
Collecting person means the person making payment to a producer for cattle, or any other person who is responsible for collecting and remitting an assessment pursuant to the Act, the order and regulations prescribed by the Board and approved by the Secretary.
State means each of the 50 States.
United States means the 50 States and the District of Columbia.
Unit means each State, group of States or class designation which is represented on the Board.
Fiscal year means the calendar year or such other annual period as the Board may determine.
Federation means the Beef Industry Council of the National Live Stock and Meat Board, or any successor organization to the Beef Industry Council, which includes as its State affiliates the qualified State beef councils.
Established national nonprofit industry-governed organizations means organizations which:
Are nonprofit organizations pursuant to sections 501(c) (3), (5) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c) (3), (5) and (6));
Are governed by a board of directors representing the cattle or beef industry on a national basis; and
Were active and ongoing before the enactment of the Act.
Eligible organization means any organization which has been certified by the Secretary pursuant to the Act and this part as being eligible to submit nominations for membership on the Board.
Qualified State beef council means a beef promotion entity that is authorized by State statute or a beef promotion entity organized and operating within a State that receives voluntary assessments or contributions; conducts beef promotion, research, and consumer and industry information programs; and that is certified by the Board pursuant to this subpart as the beef promotion entity in such State.
Producer means any person who owns or acquires ownership of cattle; provided, however, that a person shall not be considered a producer within the meaning of this subpart if (a) the person's only share in the proceeds of a sale of cattle or beef is a sales commission, handling fee, or other service fee; or (b) the person (1) acquired ownership of cattle to facilitate the transfer of ownership of such cattle from the seller to a third party, (2) resold such cattle no later than ten (10) days from the date on which the person acquired ownership, and (3) certified, as required by regulations prescribed by the Board and approved by the Secretary, that the requirements of this provision have been satisfied.
Importer means any person who imports cattle, beef, or beef products from outside the United States.
Cattle means live domesticated bovine animals regardless of age.
Beef means flesh of cattle.
Beef products means edible products produced in whole or in part from beef, exclusive of milk and products made therefrom.
Imported beef or beef products means products which are imported into the United States which the Secretary determines contain a substantial amount of beef including those products which have been assigned one or more of the following numbers in the Tariff Schedule of the United States: 106.1020, 106.1040, 106.1060, 106.1080, 107.2000, 107.2520, 107.4000, 107.4500, 107.4820, 107.4840, 107.5220, 107.5240, 107.5500, 107.6100, 107.6200, 107.6300.
Promotion means any action, including paid advertising, to advance the image and desirability of beef and beef products with the express intent of improving the competitive position and stimulating sales of beef and beef products in the marketplace.
Research means studies relative to the effectiveness of market development and promotion efforts, studies relating to the nutritional value of beef and beef products, other related food science research, and new product development.
Consumer information means nutritional data and other information that will assist consumers and other persons in making evaluations and decisions regarding the purchasing, preparing, and use of beef and beef products.
Industry information means information and programs that will lead to the development of new markets, marketing strategies, increased efficiency, and activities to enhance the image of the cattle industry.
Plans and projects means promotion, research, consumer information and industry information plans, studies or projects conducted pursuant to this subpart.
Marketing means the sale or other disposition in commerce of cattle, beef or beef products.
Act means the Beef Promotion and Research Act of 1985, Title XVI, Subtitle A of the Food Security Act of 1985, Pub. L. 99-198 and any amendments thereto.
Customs Service means the United States Customs Service of the United States Department of the Treasury.
Part means the Beef Promotion and Research Order and all rules and regulations issued pursuant to the Act and the order, and the order itself shall be a “subpart” of such Part.
Beginning with the 2008 Board nominations and the associated appointments effective early in the year 2009, the United States shall be divided into 39 geographical units and 1 unit representing importers, and the number of Board members from each unit shall be as follows:
Cattle and Calves 1
1. Alabama |
1,307 |
1 |
2. Arizona |
930 |
1 |
3. Arkansas |
1,773 |
2 |
4. California |
5,450 |
5 |
5. Colorado |
2,617 |
3 |
6. Florida |
1,707 |
2 |
7. Idaho |
2,117 |
2 |
8. Illinois |
1,347 |
1 |
9. Indiana |
883 |
1 |
10. Iowa |
3,783 |
4 |
11. Kansas |
6,550 |
7 |
12. Kentucky |
2,363 |
2 |
13. Louisiana |
847 |
1 |
14. Michigan |
1,030 |
1 |
15. Minnesota |
2,390 |
2 |
16. Mississippi |
1,013 |
1 |
17. Missouri |
4,450 |
4 |
18. Montana |
2,383 |
2 |
19. Nebraska |
6,500 |
7 |
20. Nevada |
500 |
1 |
21. New Mexico |
1,543 |
2 |
22. New York |
1,410 |
1 |
23. North Carolina |
860 |
1 |
24. North Dakota |
1,760 |
2 |
25. Ohio |
1,280 |
1 |
26. Oklahoma |
5,350 |
5 |
27. Oregon |
1,397 |
1 |
28. Pennsylvania |
1,603 |
2 |
29. South Dakota |
3,717 |
4 |
30. Tennessee |
2,240 |
2 |
31. Texas |
13,933 |
14 |
32. Utah |
830 |
1 |
33. Virginia |
1,640 |
2 |
34. Wisconsin |
3,383 |
3 |
35. Wyoming |
1,403 |
1 |
36. Northwest |
1 |
Alaska |
15 |
Hawaii |
158 |
Washington |
1,107 |
Total |
1,280 |
37. Northeast |
1 |
Connecticut |
54 |
Delaware |
23 |
Maine |
90 |
Massachusetts |
46 |
New Hampshire |
38 |
New Jersey |
41 |
Rhode Island |
5 |
Vermont |
272 |
Total |
569 |
38. Mid-Atlantic |
1 |
Maryland |
228 |
West Virginia |
412 |
Total |
640 |
39. Southeast |
2 |
Georgia |
1,187 |
South Carolina |
415 |
Total |
1,602 |
40. Importer 2
9 |
1 2005, 2006, and 2007 average of January 1 cattle inventory data. |
2 2004, 2005, and 2006 average of annual import data. |
The Board shall be composed of cattle producers and importers appointed by the Secretary from nominations submitted pursuant to the Act and regulations of this Part. A producer may only be nominated to represent the unit in which that producer is a resident.
At least every three (3) years, and not more than every two (2) years, the Board shall review the geographic distribution of cattle inventories throughout the United States and the volume of imported cattle, beef, and beef products and, if warranted, shall reapportion units and/or modify the number of Board members from units in order to best reflect the geographic distribution of cattle production volume in the United States and the volume of imported cattle, beef, or beef products into the United States.
The Board may recommend to the Secretary a modification in the number of cattle per unit necessary for representation on the Board.
The following formula will be used to determine the number of Board members who shall serve on the Board for each unit:
Each geographic unit or State that includes a total cattle inventory equal to or greater than five hundred thousand (500,000) head of cattle shall be entitled to one representative on the Board;
States which do not have total cattle inventories equal to or greater than five hundred thousand (500,000) head of cattle shall be grouped, to the extent practicable, into geographically contiguous units each of which have a combined total inventory of not less than 500,000 head of cattle and such unit(s) shall be entitled to at least one representative on the Board;
Importers shall be represented by a single unit, with the number of Board members representing such unit based upon a conversion of the total volume of imported cattle, beef or beef products into live animal equivalencies;
Each unit shall be entitled to representation by an additional Board member for each one million (1,000,000) head of cattle within the unit which exceeds the initial five hundred thousand (500,000) head of cattle within the unit qualifying such unit for representation.
In determining the volume of cattle within the units, the Board and the Secretary shall utilize the information received by the Board pursuant to §§ 1260.201 and 1260.202 industry data and data published by the Department.
Code of Federal Regulations
[51 FR 26138, July 18, 1986, as amended at 55 FR 20445, May 17, 1990; 58 FR 12999, Mar. 9, 1993; 60 FR 62020, Dec. 4, 1995; 64 FR 3815, Jan. 26, 1999; 67 FR 11412, Mar. 14, 2002; 70 FR 7005, Feb. 10, 2005; 73 FR 60098, Oct. 10, 2008]
The members of the Board shall serve for terms of three (3) years, except that the members appointed to the initial Board shall serve, proportionately, for terms of 1, 2, and 3 years. To the extent practicable, the terms of Board members from the same unit shall be staggered for the initial Board.
Each member shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed by the Secretary.
No member shall serve more than two consecutive 3-year terms in such capacity.
All nominations authorized under this section shall be made in the following manner:
Nominations shall be obtained by the Secretary from eligible organizations. An eligible organization shall only submit nominations for positions on the Board representing units in which such eligible organization can establish that it is certified as an eligible organization to submit nominations for that unit. If the Secretary determines that a unit is not represented by an eligible organization, then the Secretary may solicit nominations from organizations, and producers residing in that unit.
Nominations for representation of the importer unit may be submitted by—
Organizations which represent importers of cattle, beef or beef products, as determined by the Secretary, or
Individual importers of cattle, beef or beef products. Individual importers submitting nominations for representation of the importer unit must establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the persons submitting the nominations are importers of cattle, beef or beef products.
After the establishment of the initial Board, the Department shall announce when a vacancy does or will exist. Nominations for subsequent Board members shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the terms of the members whose terms are expiring, in the manner as described in this section. In the case of vacancies due to reasons other than the expiration of a term of office, successor Board members shall be appointed pursuant to § 1260.146.
Where there is more than one eligible organization representing producers in a unit, they may caucus and jointly nominate two qualified persons for each position representing that unit on the Board for which a member is to be appointed. If joint agreement is not reached with respect to any such nominations, or if no caucus is held, each eligible organization may submit to the Secretary two nominees for each appointment to be made to represent that unit.
Any producer or importer nominated to serve on the Board shall file with the Secretary at the time of the nomination a written agreement to:
Serve on the Board if appointed; and
Disclose any relationship with any beef promotion entity or with any organization that has or is being considered for a contractual relationship with the Board.
From the nominations made pursuant to § 1260.143, the Secretary shall appoint the members of the Board on the basis of representation provided for in § 1260.141.
Producers or importers serving on the Federation Board of Directors shall not be eligible for appointment to serve on the Board for a concurrent term.
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of any member of the Board, the Secretary shall request that nominations for a successor for the vacancy be submitted by the eligible organization(s) representing producers or importers of the unit represented by the vacancy. If no eligible organization(s) represents producers or importers in such unit, then the Secretary shall determine the manner in which nominations for the vacancy are submitted.
At a properly convened meeting of the Board, a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum, and any action of the Board at such a meeting shall require the concurring votes of at least a majority of those present at such meeting. The Board shall establish rules concerning timely notice of meetings.
When in the opinion of the chairperson of the Board emergency action is considered necessary, and in lieu of a properly convened meeting, the Board may take action upon the concurring votes of a majority of its members by mail, telephone, or telegraph, but any such action by telephone shall be confirmed promptly in writing. In the event that such action is taken, all members must be notified and provided the opportunity to vote. Any action so taken shall have the same force as though such action had been taken at a regular or special meeting of the Board.
The members of the Board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties under this subpart.
The Board shall have the following powers:
To administer the provisions of this subpart in accordance with its terms and provisions;
To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart;
To receive or initiate, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of the provisions of this subpart;
To adopt such rules for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable;
To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart; and
With the approval of the Secretary, to invest, pending disbursement pursuant to a plan or project, funds collected through assessments authorized under § 1260.172, in, and only in, obligations of the United States or any agency thereof, in general obligations of any State or any political subdivision thereof, in any interest-bearing account or certificate of deposit of a bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System, or in obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States.
The Board shall have the following duties:
To meet not less than annually, and to organize and select from among its members a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a treasurer and such other officers as may be necessary;
To elect from its members an Executive Committee of no more than 11 and no less than 9 members, whose membership shall, to the extent practicable, reflect the geographic distribution of cattle numbers or their equivalent. The vice-chairperson of the Board shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee and the chairperson and the treasurer of the Board shall serve as members of the Executive Committee;
To delegate to the Executive Committee the authority to administer the terms and provisions of this subpart under the direction of the Board and within the policies determined by the Board;
To elect from its members 10 representatives to the Beef Promotion Operating Committee which shall be composed of 10 members from the Board and 10 members elected by the Federation;
To utilize the resources, personnel, and facilities of established national nonprofit industry-governed organizations;
To review and, if approved, submit to the Secretary for approval, budgets prepared by the Beef Promotion Operating Committee on a fiscal period basis of the Committee's anticipated expenses and disbursements in the administration of the Committee's responsibilities, including probable costs of promotion, research, and consumer information and industry information plans or projects, and also including a general description of the proposed promotion, research, consumer information and industry information programs contemplated therein;
To prepare and submit to the Secretary for approval budgets on a fiscal period basis of the Board's overall anticipated expenses and disbursements, including the Committee's anticipated expenses and disbursements, in the administration of this subpart;
To maintain such books and records, which shall be available to the Secretary for inspection and audit, and to prepare and submit such reports from time to time to the Secretary, as the Secretary may prescribe, and to make appropriate accounting with respect to the receipt and disbursement of all funds entrusted to it;
To prepare and make public, at least annually, a report of its activities carried out and an accounting for funds received and expended;
To cause its books to be audited by a certified public accountant at least once each fiscal period and at such other times as the Secretary may request, and submit a copy of each such audit to the Secretary;
To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the Board as is given to members in order that the Secretary, or his representative may attend such meetings;
To review applications submitted by State beef promotion organizations pursuant to § 1260.181 and to make determinations with regard to such applications;
To submit to the Secretary such information pursuant to this subpart as may be requested; and
To encourage the coordination of programs of promotion, research, consumer information and industry information designed to strengthen the beef industry's position in the marketplace and to maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets and uses for beef and beef products.
Code of Federal Regulations
[51 FR 26138, July 18, 1986, as amended at 60 FR 58502, Nov. 28, 1995]
The Board is authorized to incur such expenses (including provision for a reasonable reserve), as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the board for its maintenance and functioning and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with this subpart. Administrative expenses incurred by the board shall not exceed 5 percent of the projected revenue of that fiscal period. Expenses authorized in this paragraph shall be paid from assessments collected pursuant to § 1260.172.
The Board shall reimburse the Secretary, from assessments collected pursuant to § 1260.172, for administrative costs incurred by the Department to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to this subpart after the effective date of this subpart.
Expenditures for the maintenance and expansion of foreign markets for beef and beef products shall be limited to an amount equal to or less than the total amount of assessments paid pursuant to § 1260.172(a).
Code of Federal Regulations
[51 FR 26138, July 18, 1986, as amended at 53 FR 52631, Dec. 29, 1988 and 54 FR 15918, Apr. 20, 1989; 60 FR 58502, Nov. 28, 1995]
There is hereby established a Beef Promotion Operating Committee of 20 members. The Committee shall be composed of 10 Board members elected by the Board and 10 producers elected by the Federation.
Board representation on the Committee shall consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson and treasurer of the Board, and seven representatives of the Board who will be duly elected by the Board to serve on the Committee. The seven representatives to the Committee elected by the Board shall, to the extent practical, reflect the geographic and unit distribution of cattle numbers, or the equivalent thereof.
Federation representation on the Committee shall consist of the Federation chairperson, vice-chairperson, and eight duly elected producer representatives of the Federation Board of Directors who are members or ex officio members of the Board of Directors of a qualified State beef council. The eight representatives of the Federation elected to serve on the Committee shall, to the extent practical, reflect the geographic distribution of cattle numbers. The Federation shall submit to the Secretary the names of the representatives elected by the Federation to serve on the Committee and the manner in which such election was held and that such representatives are producers and are members or ex officio members of the Board of Directors of a qualified State beef council on the Federation Board of Directors. The prospective Federation representatives shall file with the Secretary a written agreement to serve on the Committee and to disclose any relationship with any beef promotion entity or with any organization that has or is being considered for a contractual relationship with the Board or the Committee. When the Secretary is satisfied that the above conditions are met, the Secretary shall certify such representatives as eligible to serve on the Committee.
The members of the Committee shall serve for a term of 1 year.
No member shall serve more than six consecutive terms.
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of any member of the Committee, the Board or the Federation, depending upon which organization is represented by the vacancy, shall submit the name of a successor for the position in the manner utilized to elect representatives pursuant to § 1260.161 (b) and (c) of this section.
Attendance of at least 15 members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum at a properly convened meeting of the Committee. Any action of the Committee shall require the concurring votes of at least two-thirds of the members present. The Committee shall establish rules concerning timely notice of meetings.
When in the opinion of the chairperson of the Committee emergency action must be taken before a meeting can be called, the Committee may take action upon the concurring votes of no less than two-thirds of its members by mail, telephone, or telegraph. Action taken by this emergency procedure is valid only if all members are notified and provided the opportunity to vote and any telephone vote is confirmed promptly in writing. Any action so taken shall have the same force and effect as though such action had been taken at a properly convened meeting of the Committee.
The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties under this subpart.
The following persons shall serve as officers of the Committee:
The chairperson of the Board shall be chairperson of the Committee.
The chairperson of the Federation shall be vice-chairperson of the Committee.
The treasurer of the Board shall be treasurer of the Committee.
The Committee shall elect or appoint such other officers as it may deem necessary.
The Committee shall have the following powers:
To receive and evaluate, or on its own initiative, develop and budget for plans or projects to promote the use of beef and beef products as well as projects for research, consumer information and industry information and to make recommendations to the Secretary regarding such proposals;
To select committees and subcommittees of Committee members, and to adopt such rules for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable;
To establish committees of persons other than Committee members to advise the Committee and pay the necessary and reasonable expenses and fees of the members of such committees.
The Committee shall have the following duties:
To meet and to organize;
To contract with established national nonprofit industry-governed organizations to implement programs of promotion, research, consumer information and industry information;
To disseminate information to Board members;
To prepare and submit to the Board for approval budgets on a fiscal-period basis of its anticipated expenses and disbursements in the administration of its responsibilities, including probable costs of promotion, research, consumer information and industry information plans or projects, and also including a general description of the proposed promotion, research, consumer information and industry information programs contemplated therein;
To develop and submit to the Secretary for approval promotion, research, consumer information and industry information plans or projects;
With the approval of the Secretary to enter into contracts or agreements with established national nonprofit industry-governed organizations for the implementation and conduct of activities authorized under §§ 1260.167 and 1260.169 and for the payment of the cost of such activities with funds collected through assessments pursuant to § 1260.172. Any such contract or agreement shall provide that:
The contractors shall develop and submit to the Committee a budget or budgets which shall show the estimated cost to be incurred for such activity or project;
Any such plan or project shall become effective upon approval of the Secretary; and
The contracting party shall keep accurate records of all of its transactions and make periodic reports to the Committee or Board of activities conducted and an accounting for funds received and expended, and such other reports as the Secretary, the Committee or the Board may require. The Secretary or agents of the Committee or the Board may audit periodically the records of the contracting party;
To prepare and make public, at least annually, a report of its activities carried out and an accounting for funds received and expended;
To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the Committee and its subcommittees and advisory committees in order that the Secretary, or his representative, may attend such meetings;
To submit to the Board and to the Secretary such information pursuant to this subpart as may be requested; and
To encourage the coordination of programs of promotion, research, consumer information and industry information designed to strengthen the cattle industry's position in the marketplace and to maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets and uses for beef and beef products.
The Committee shall receive and evaluate, or on its own initiative, develop and submit to the Secretary for approval any plans and projects for promotion, research, consumer information and industry information authorized by this subpart. Such plans and projects shall provide for:
The establishment, issuance, effectuation, and administration of appropriate plans or projects for promotion, research, consumer information and industry information, with respect to beef and beef products designed to strengthen the beef industry's position in the marketplace and to maintain and expand domestic and foreign markets and uses for beef and beef products;
The establishment and conduct of research and studies with respect to the sale, distribution, marketing, and utilization of beef and beef products and the creation of new products thereof, to the end that marketing and utilization of beef and beef products may be encouraged, expanded, improved or made more acceptable in the United States and foreign markets;
Each plan or project authorized under paragraph (a) and (b) of this section shall be periodically reviewed or evaluated by the Committee to ensure that each such plan or project contributes to an effective program of promotion, research, consumer information and industry information. If it is found by the Committee that any such plan or project does not further the purposes of the Act, then the Committee shall terminate such plan or project;
In carrying out any plan or project of promotion or advertising implemented by the Committee, no reference to a brand or trade name of any beef product shall be made without the approval of the Board and the Secretary. No such plans or projects shall make use of any unfair or deceptive acts or practices, including unfair or deceptive acts or practices with respect to the quality, value or use of any competing product; and
No funds collected by the Board under this subpart shall in any manner be used for the purpose of influencing governmental policy or action, except to recommend to the Secretary amendments to this part.
(a) Domestic assessments.
Except as prescribed by regulations approved by the Secretary, each person making payment to a producer for cattle purchased from such producer shall be a collecting person and shall collect an assessment from the producer, and each producer shall pay such assessment to the collecting person, at the rate of one dollar ($1) per head of cattle purchased and such collecting person shall remit the assessment to the Board or to a qualified State beef council pursuant to § 1260.172(a)(5).
Any producer marketing cattle of that producer's own production in the form of beef or beef products to consumers, either directly or through retail or wholesale outlets, or for export purposes, shall remit to a qualified State beef council or to the Board an assessment on such cattle at the rate of one dollar ($1) per head of cattle or the equivalent thereof.
In determining the assessment due from each producer pursuant to § 1260.172(a), a producer who is contributing to a qualified State beef council(s) shall receive a credit from the Board for contributions to such Council, but not to exceed 50 cents per head of cattle assessed.
In order for a producer described in § 1260.172(a) to receive the credit authorized in § 1260.172(a)(3), the qualified State beef council or the collecting person must establish to the satisfaction of the Board that the producer has contributed to a qualified State beef council.
Each person responsible for the remittance of the assessment pursuant to § 1260.172 (a) (1) and (2) shall remit the assessment to the qualified State beef council in the State from which the cattle originated prior to sale, or if there is no qualified State beef council within such State, the assessment shall be remitted directly to the Board. However, the Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may authorize qualified State beef councils to propose modifications to the foregoing “State of origin” rule to ensure effective coordination of assessment collections between qualified State beef councils. Qualified State beef councils and the Board shall coordinate assessment collection procedures to ensure that producers selling or marketing cattle in interstate commerce are required to pay only one assessment per individual sale of cattle. For the purpose of this subpart, “State of origin” rule means the State where the cattle were located at time of sale, or the State in which the cattle were located prior to sale if such cattle were transported interstate for the sole purpose of sale. Assessments shall be remitted not later than the 15th day of the month following the month in which the cattle were purchased or marketed.
If a State law or regulation promulgated pursuant to State law requires the payment and collection of a mandatory, nonrefundable assessment of more fifty (50) cents per head on the sale and purchase of cattle, or the equivalent thereof for beef and beef products as described in § 1260.172 (a)(1) and (2) for use by a qualified State beef council to fund activities similar to those described in § 1260.169, and such State law or regulation authorizes the issuance of a credit of that amount of the assessment which exceeds fifty (50) cents to producers who waive any right to the refund of the assessment credited by the State due pursuant to this subpart, then any producer subject to such State law or regulation who pays only the amount due pursuant to such State law or regulation and this subpart, including any credits issued, shall thereby waive that producer's right to receipt from the Board of a refund of such assessment for that portion of such refund for which the producer received credit pursuant to such State law or regulation.
(b) Importer assessments.
Importers of cattle, beef, and beef products into the United States shall pay an assessment to the Board through the U.S. Customs Service, or in such other manner as may be established by regulations approved by the Secretary.
The assessment rates for imported cattle, beef, and beef products are as follows:
Imported Live Cattle
0102.10.0010 |
$1.00 |
0102.10.0020 |
1.00 |
0102.10.0030 |
1.00 |
0102.10.0050 |
1.00 |
0102.90.2011 |
1.00 |
0102.90.2012 |
1.00 |
0102.90.4024 |
1.00 |
0102.90.4028 |
1.00 |
0102.90.4034 |
1.00 |
0102.90.4038 |
1.00 |
0102.90.4054 |