(a) Collecting handler reports.
Each collecting handler shall make reports on forms made available or approved by the Egg Board. Each collecting handler shall prepare a separate report form each reporting period. Each report shall be mailed to the Egg Board within 15 days after the close of the reporting period and shall contain the following information:
Reporting period covered by the report;
Name and address of collecting handler and identification number;
Total number of cases of eggs handled, total number of cases of eggs subject to collection of assessment, total number of cases of eggs exempt under § 1250.514 from collection of assessment, total number of cases of imported eggs handled, and total number of cases of eggs received from another handler and on which an assessment was already collected;
The names and addresses of producers subject to assessment supplying eggs to the handlers and number of cases of eggs received from each producer;
Total amount of assessment due for eggs handled during the reporting period and remitted with the report; and
Such other information as may be required by the Board.
Collecting handler reports shall be filed each reporting period following registration until such time as the Egg Board is notified in writing that the collecting handler has ceased to do business. During reporting periods in which the collecting handler does not handle any eggs, his report form shall state “No Eggs Handled.”
The Egg Board may require all persons subject to section 7(c) of the Act to make reports as needed for the enforcement and administration of the Order and as approved by the Secretary.