Act means the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 7411-742 5), and any amendments thereto.
Fiscal period means the 12-month period ending on December 31 or such other consecutive 12-month period as shall be recommended by the Board and approved by the Secretary.
Handle means to engage in the receiving or acquiring of sorghum and in the shipment (except as a common or contract carrier of sorghum owned by another) or sale of sorghum, or other activity causing sorghum to enter the current of commerce.
Harvest means combining or threshing sorghum for grain and/or severing the stalks from the land with mechanized equipment.
Importer means any person importing more than 1,000 bushels of grain sorghum; or 5,000 tons of sorghum forage, sorghum hay, sorghum haylage, sorghum billets, or sorghum silage into the United States in a calendar year as a principal or as an agent, broker, or consignee of any person who produces or purchases sorghum outside of the United States for sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such sorghum.
Information means information and programs that are designed to develop new markets and marketing strategies; increase market efficiency; enhance the image of sorghum on a national or international basis; and assist producers in meeting their conservation objectives. These include, but are not exclusive to:
Consumer information, which means any action taken to provide information to, and broaden the understanding of, the general public regarding the consumption, use, nutritional attributes, and care of sorghum;
Industry information, which means information and programs that will lead to the development of new markets, new marketing strategies, or increased efficiency for the sorghum industry, and activities to enhance the image of the sorghum industry.
Market means to sell or otherwise dispose of sorghum into intrastate, interstate, or foreign commerce by buying, distributing, or otherwise placing sorghum into commerce.
Net market price means the sales price, or other value, per volumetric unit, received by a producer for sorghum after adjustments for any premium or discount.
Net market value means:
Except as provided in paragraph (b)and (c) of this section, the value found by multiplying the net market price by the appropriate quantity of the volumetric units or the minimum value in a production contract received by a producer for sorghum after adjustments for any premium or discount.
For imported sorghum, the total value paid by the importer for the sorghum as reported on the appropriate Customs form; or
For sorghum pledged as collateral for a loan issued under any Commodity Credit Corporation price support loan program, the principal amount of the loan.
Order means an order issued by the Secretary under section 514 of the Act that provides for a program of generic promotion, research, and information regarding agricultural commodities authorized under the Act.
Part means the Sorghum Promotion, Research, and Information Order and all rules, regulations, and supplemental orders issued pursuant to the Act and the Order. The Order shall be a subpart of such part.
There is hereby established a Sorghum Promotion, Research, and Information Board, hereinafter called the Board. Representation includes, but is not limited to, fixed State seats determined by total production with at-large seats to allow representation from a broad geographical area. The Board shall initially be composed of 13 representatives, with the maximum number of producers from one State limited to 6, appointed by the Secretary from nominations as follows:
The largest production State based on total production shall have 5 sorghum producers to serve as representatives.
The second largest production State based on total production shall have 3 sorghum producers to serve as representatives.
The third largest production State based on total production shall have one sorghum producer to serve as a representative.
There shall be 4 sorghum producers to serve as at-large national representatives with at least two representatives appointed from States not described in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.
If the value of assessments on imported sorghum reaches or exceeds the production of the third largest sorghum production State, there shall be one importer to serve as a representative plus an additional at-large national representative, with the maximum number of producers from one State being increased from six to seven.
At least once every 5 years, the Board will review the geographical distribution of production of sorghum in the United States, the production of sorghum in the United States, and the value of assessments on sorghum imported into the United States. The review will be based on Board assessment records and statistics from the USDA. If warranted, the Board may recommend to the Secretary that representation on the Board be altered to reflect any changes in geographical distribution of domestic sorghum production. If, in the review, the Board determines that the value of assessments on sorghum imported into the United States exceeds 15 percent of the production of sorghum, the Board shall recommend to the Secretary that the nomination procedures and appointments to the Board be altered as necessary or appropriate to facilitate the equitable representation of importers on the Board.
All nominations authorized under this section shall be made in the following manner:
Nominations for State-specific and at-large national seats shall be obtained by the Secretary from eligible organizations certified under § 1221.107. Certified eligible organizations representing producers in a State, or when making nominations for at-large seats, shall submit to the Secretary at least two nominees for each vacant seat. If the Secretary determines that a State is not represented by a certified eligible organization, then the Secretary may solicit nominations from other organizations or other persons residing in the State.
If so required pursuant to § 1221.100(f), at least two nominations for the importer representative shall be submitted by the Board to the Secretary.
After the establishment of the initial Board, the Secretary shall announce when a vacancy does or will exist. Nominations for subsequent Board representatives shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 90 days prior to the expiration of the terms of the representatives whose terms are expiring, in the manner as described in this section. In the case of vacancies due to reasons other than the expiration of a term of office, successor Board members shall be appointed pursuant to section 1221.105.
When there is more than one certified eligible organization representing a State or when the Secretary solicits nominations from organizations and persons residing in that State, or when eligible certified organizations are nominating persons for at-large positions, eligible certified organizations may caucus and jointly nominate two qualified producers for each position on the Board for which a representative is to be appointed. If joint agreement is not reached with respect to any such nominations, or if no caucus is held, each eligible organization may submit to the Secretary two nominees for each appointment to be made to represent that State, or to fill an at-large position.
Any producer or person nominated to serve on the Board shall file with the Secretary at the time of the nomination a written agreement to:
Serve on the Board if appointed;
Disclose any relationship with any sorghum promotion entity or with any organization that has or is being considered for a contractual relationship with the Board; and
Withdraw from participation in deliberations, decision-making, or voting on matters that concern the relationship disclosed under paragraph (b) of this section.
From the nominations made pursuant to § 1221.101, the Secretary shall appoint the representatives of the Board on the basis of representation provided in § 1221.100.
The term of office for the representatives of the Board shall be three years, except for the initial term, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.
Representatives may serve a maximum of 2 consecutive 3-year terms.
When the Board is first established, the Secretary shall establish staggered terms as follows:
Largest Production State—2 representatives shall serve a 2-year term, 1 representative shall serve a 3-year term, and 2 representatives shall serve a 4-year term.
Second Largest Production State—1 representative shall serve a 2-year term, 1 representative shall serve a 3-year term, and 1 representative shall serve a 4-year term.
Third Largest Production State—The representative shall serve a 3-year term.
At-large national—1 representative shall serve a 2-year term, 2 representatives shall serve a 3-year term, and 1 representative shall serve a 4-year term.
States with multiple representatives shall have their staggered terms assigned by the Secretary. At-large national representatives shall also have their staggered terms assigned by the Secretary.
Representatives serving initial terms of 2 or 4 years shall be eligible to serve a single term of 3 years after their initial 2- or 4-year term.
Each representative shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed by the Secretary and has accepted the position.
Any successor appointed pursuant to § 1221.105 serving 1 year or less may serve two consecutive 3-year terms.
To fill any vacancy occasioned by the death, removal, resignation, or disqualification of any member of the Board, a successor for the unexpired term of such representative shall be appointed by the Secretary pursuant to § 1221.103 from the most recent list of nominations for the position pursuant to § 1221.101 or the Secretary shall request nominations for a successor pursuant to § 1221.101, except that said nomination and replacement shall not be required if an unexpired term is less than 6 months.
If the Secretary determines that any person appointed under this part fails or refuses to perform his or her duties properly or engages in an act of dishonesty or willful misconduct, the Secretary shall remove the person from office. A person appointed under this part or any employee of the Board may be removed by the Secretary if the Secretary determines that the person's continued service would be a detriment to the purposes of the Act.
The eligibility of State, regional, or national organizations to participate in making nominations for membership on the Board shall be certified by the Secretary. Those organizations that may seek certification include:
State-legislated sorghum promotion, research, and information organizations;
Organizations whose primary purpose is to represent sorghum producers within a State, region, or at the national level; or,
Organizations that have sorghum producers as members.
Such eligibility shall be based, in addition to other information, upon a report submitted by the organization that shall contain information deemed relevant and specified by the Secretary for the making of such determination, including the following:
The geographic territory covered by the organization's active membership;
The nature and size of the organization's active membership, proportion of active membership accounted for by producers, a map showing the sorghum producing counties in which the organization has active members, the volume of sorghum produced in each such county, the number of sorghum producers in each such county, and the size of the organization's active sorghum producer membership in each such county;
The extent to which the sorghum producer membership of such organization is represented in setting the organization's policies;
Evidence of stability and permanency of the organization;
Sources from which the organization's operating funds are derived;
The functions of the organization; and
The ability and willingness of the organization to further the purpose and objectives of the Act.
The primary consideration in determining the eligibility of an organization shall be whether its sorghum producer membership consists of a sufficiently large number of sorghum producers who produce a relatively significant volume of sorghum to reasonably warrant its participation in the nomination of State specific and national at-large members to the Board. Any sorghum producer organization found eligible by the Secretary under this section shall be certified by the Secretary, and the Secretary's determination as to eligibility shall be final.
At a Board meeting, it will be considered a quorum when a simple majority of the voting representatives are present.
At the start of each fiscal period, the Board will approve a chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary/treasurer who will conduct meetings throughout that period.
All Board representatives and the Secretary or the Secretary's designee will be notified at least 30 days in advance of all Board and committee meetings, unless an emergency meeting is declared.
Each voting representative of the Board will be entitled to one vote on any matter put to the Board, and the motion will carry if supported by a simple majority of the total votes of the Board representatives present at the meeting.
It will be considered a quorum at a committee meeting when a simple majority of those assigned to the committee are present at the meeting. Committees may consist of individuals other than Board representatives, and such individuals may vote in committee meetings. Committee members shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses, as approved by the Board.
In lieu of voting at a properly convened meeting and, when in the opinion of the chairperson of the Board such action is considered necessary, the Board may take action if supported by a simple majority of the Board representatives by mail, telephone, electronic mail, facsimile, or any other means of communication. In that event, all representatives must be notified and provided the opportunity to vote. Any action so taken shall have the same force and effect as though such action had been taken at a properly convened meeting of the Board. All telephone votes shall be confirmed promptly in writing. All votes shall be recorded in Board minutes.
There shall be no voting by proxy.
The chairperson shall be a voting representative.
The organization of the Board and the procedures for conducting meetings of the Board shall be in accordance with its bylaws, which shall be established by the Board and approved by the Secretary.
The representatives of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses, as approved by the Board, incurred by them in the performance of their duties as Board representatives.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
To administer the Order in accordance with its terms and conditions and to collect assessments;
To develop and recommend to the Secretary for approval such bylaws as may be necessary for the functioning of the Board, and such rules as may be necessary to administer the Order, including activities authorized to be carried out under the Order;
To meet not less than annually, and organize, and select from among the representatives of the Board a chairperson, other officers, committees, and subcommittees, as the Board determines appropriate;
To employ persons, other than the representatives, as the Board considers necessary to assist the Board in carrying out its duties and to determine the compensation and specify the duties of such persons;
To develop programs, plans, and projects, and enter into contracts or agreements, which must be approved by the Secretary before becoming effective, for the development and carrying out of programs, plans, or projects of research, information, or promotion, and the payment of costs thereof with funds collected pursuant to this subpart. Each contract or agreement shall provide that: Any person who enters into a contract or agreement with the Board shall develop and submit to the Board a proposed activity; keep accurate records of all of its transactions relating to the contract or agreement; account for funds received and expended in connection with the contract or agreement; make periodic reports to the Board of activities conducted under the contract or agreement; and, make such other reports available as the Board or the Secretary considers relevant. Furthermore, any contract or agreement shall provide that:
The contractor or agreeing party shall develop and submit to the Board a program, plan, or project together with a budget or budgets that shall show the estimated cost to be incurred for such program, plan, or project;
The contractor or agreeing party shall keep accurate records of all its transactions and make periodic reports to the Board of activities conducted, submit accounting for funds received and expended, and make such other reports as the Secretary or the Board may require;
The Secretary may audit the records of the contracting or agreeing party periodically; and
Any subcontractor who enters into a contract with a Board contractor and who receives or otherwise uses funds allocated by the Board shall be subject to the same provisions as the contractor.
To prepare and submit for approval of the Secretary fiscal period budgets in accordance with § 1221.112 ;
To maintain such records and books and prepare and submit such reports and records from time to time to the Secretary as the Secretary may prescribe; to make appropriate accounting with respect to the receipt and disbursement of all funds entrusted to it; and to keep records that accurately reflect the actions and transactions of the Board;
To cause its books to be audited by a competent auditor at the end of each fiscal period and at such other times as the Secretary may request, and to submit a report of the audit directly to the Secretary;
To give the Secretary the same notice of Board and committee meetings as is given to representatives in order that the Secretary's representative(s) may attend such meetings;
To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer, first handler or importer;
To furnish to the Secretary any information or records that the Secretary may request;
To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of the Order;
To recommend to the Secretary such amendments to the Order as the Board considers appropriate; and with the approval of the Secretary, to make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart;
To work to achieve an effective, continuous, and coordinated program of promotion, research, consumer information, evaluation, and industry information designed to strengthen the sorghum industry's position in the marketplace; maintain and expand existing markets and uses for sorghum; and to carry out programs, plans, and projects designed to provide maximum benefits to the sorghum industry;
To provide not less than annually a report to producers and importers accounting for the funds expended by the Board, and describing programs implemented under the Act; and to make such report available to the public upon request; and
To invest funds in accordance with § 1221.115.
The Board may not engage in, and shall prohibit the employees and agents of the Board from engaging in:
Any action that is a conflict of interest;
Using funds collected by the Board under the Order to undertake any action for the purpose of influencing legislation or governmental action or policy, by local, State, national, and foreign governments, other than recommending to the Secretary amendments to this part; and
Any advertising, including promotion, research, and information activities authorized to be carried out under the Order that is false or misleading or disparaging to another agricultural commodity.
Prior to the beginning of each fiscal period, and as may be necessary thereafter, the Board shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a budget for the fiscal period covering its anticipated expenses and disbursements in administering this subpart. Each such budget shall include:
A statement of objectives and strategy for each program, plan, or project;
A summary of anticipated revenue, with comparative data for at least one preceding year (except for the initial budget);
A summary of proposed expenditures for each program, plan, or project; and
Staff and administrative expense breakdowns, with comparative data for at least one preceding year (except for the initial budget).
Each budget shall provide adequate funds to defray its proposed expenditures and to provide for a reserve as set forth in this subpart.
Subject to this section, any amendment or addition to an approved budget that increases the budget must be approved by the Secretary. Shifts of funds that do not result in an increase in the Board's approved budget and that are consistent with this subpart and the Board's governing bylaws need not have prior approval by the Secretary.
The Board is authorized to incur such expenses, including provision for a reasonable reserve, as the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Board for its maintenance and functioning, and to enable it to exercise its powers and perform its duties in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. Such expenses shall be paid from funds received by the Board.
With approval of the Secretary, the Board may borrow money for the payment of administrative expenses, subject to the same fiscal, budget, and audit controls as other funds of the Board. Any funds borrowed by the Board shall be expended only for startup costs and capital outlays and are limited to the first fiscal period of operation of the Board.
The Board may accept voluntary contributions, but these shall only be used to pay expenses incurred in the conduct of programs, plans, and projects in accordance with the Order. Such contributions shall be free from any encumbrance by the donor and the Board shall retain complete control of their use.
In accordance with § 1221.118(a), the Board shall deposit funds in a refund escrow account and refrain from allocating this amount for expenditure until the Order is approved by the required referendum except as provided for in § 1221.118.
The Board shall allocate an appropriate amount each year to allow for payment of future referendums.
The Board shall reimburse the Secretary for all expenses incurred by the Secretary in the implementation, administration, and supervision of the Order, including all referendum costs in connection with the Order.
The Board shall determine annually an allocation amount no less than 15 percent but no more than 25 percent of the total assessments collected on all sorghum available for any fiscal period, less the expenses pursuant to paragraph (i), for use by qualified sorghum producer organizations pursuant to § 1221.128 for State programs of generic promotion, research, and information. Amounts allocated by the Board for State generic promotion, research, and information programs will be based on requests submitted to the Board by qualified sorghum producer organizations when it is determined that these requests meet the goals and objectives stated in the Act and Order. The request shall include detailed programs, plans, or projects with budgets. Qualified sorghum producer organizations shall not submit requests for State generic promotion, research, and information programs that exceed the annual allocation amount determined by the Board which shall be the product of:
The State's proportional contribution based on reports submitted by first handlers pursuant to § 1221.124(a) to total assessments remitted on all sorghum for the previous fiscal period; multiplied by
The total assessments collected on all sorghum for the previous fiscal period less expenses pursuant to paragraph (i) of this section.
The Board may not expend for administration, maintenance, and functioning of the Board in any fiscal period an amount that exceeds 10 percent of the assessments and other income received by the Board for that fiscal period except for the initial fiscal period. Reimbursements to the Secretary required under paragraph (i) of this section are excluded from this limitation on spending.
The Board shall allocate all other funds available for any fiscal period, to the extent practicable, subject to paragraphs (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k) of this section on programs, plans, or projects, as provided for in § 1221.121.
The Board shall determine annually the allocation of total funds pursuant to this section, with the approval of the Secretary.
As requested by the Secretary, the Board shall prepare and submit financial statements to the Secretary on a monthly basis. Each such financial statement shall include, but not be limited to, a balance sheet, income statement, and expense budget. The expense budget shall show expenditures during the time period covered by the report, fiscal period-to-date expenditures, and the unexpended budget.
Each financial statement shall be submitted to the Secretary within 30 days after the end of the time period to which it applies.
The Board shall submit annually to the Secretary an annual financial statement within 90 days after the end of the fiscal period to which it applies.
The Board may establish an operating monetary reserve and may carry over to subsequent fiscal period excess funds in a reserve so established, provided that funds in the reserve shall not exceed one fiscal period's anticipated expenses.
The Board may invest, pending disbursement, funds it receives under this subpart, only in obligations of the United States or any agency of the United States; general obligations of any State or any political subdivision of a State; interest bearing accounts or certificates of deposit of financial institutions that are members of the Federal Reserve system; or obligations that are fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States.
The funds to cover the Board's expenses shall be paid from assessments on producers and importers, donations from any person not subject to assessments under this Order, and other funds available to the Board and subject to the limitations contained therein.
First handlers of domestic sorghum shall be responsible for collecting assessments from producers on all domestically handled sorghum. This includes sorghum of the first handler's own production. Grain pledged as collateral for a Commodity Credit Corporation price support loan program shall be considered handled sorghum. A first handler shall not collect an assessment on sorghum from a producer when said producer presents documentation demonstrating that an assessment has previously been collected on said sorghum.
The following assessment rates for sorghum shall apply:
Grain sorghum shall be initially assessed at a rate of 0.6 percent of net market value received by the producer pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section; and
Sorghum forage, sorghum hay, sorghum haylage, sorghum billets, and sorghum silage shall be initially assessed at a rate of 0.35 percent of net market value received by the producer pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section.
Importers of sorghum shall pay an assessment to the Board through Customs on sorghum imported into the United States. The following apply to imported sorghum:
The assessment rates for imported sorghum shall be the same or equivalent to the rates for sorghum produced in the United States.
The import assessment shall be uniformly applied to imported sorghum that is identified by the numbers 1007.00.0020 and 1007.00.0040 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.
The assessments due on imported sorghum shall be paid when the sorghum enters the United States.
If Customs does not collect an assessment from an importer, the importer is responsible for paying the assessment to the Board.
The Board will review the assessment rates and may make recommendations to modify the assessment rates to the Secretary. Assessment rates may be raised or lowered no more than 0.2 percent of net market value received by producers and importers in any one calendar year. The maximum assessment rate cannot exceed 1 percent of the net market value received by producers and importers.
Each person responsible for collecting assessments under paragraph (b) of this section shall remit the amount due to the Board in such a manner as required by regulations recommended by the Board and prescribed by the Secretary.
Any unpaid assessment due to the Board pursuant to this section shall be increased 2 percent each month beginning with the day following the date such assessments were due. Any remaining amount due, which shall include any unpaid charges previously made pursuant to this paragraph, shall be increased at the same rate on the corresponding day of each month thereafter until paid. For the purposes of this paragraph, any assessment determined at a later date than the date prescribed by this subpart because of a person's failure to timely submit a report to the Board shall be considered to have been payable by the date it would have been due if the report had been filed timely. The timeliness of a payment to the Board shall be based on the applicable postmark date or the date actually received by the Board.
An additional charge shall be imposed on any person subject to a late payment charge in the form of interest on the outstanding portion of any amount for which the person is liable. The rate of interest shall be prescribed by the Secretary.
Persons failing to remit total assessments due in a timely manner may also be subject to actions under Federal debt collection procedures.
The Board may authorize other organizations to collect assessments on its behalf with the approval of the Secretary.
The collection of assessments pursuant to this section shall begin with respect to sorghum handled on or after the effective date established by the Secretary and shall continue until terminated or suspended by the Secretary.
If the Board is not in place by the date the first assessments are to be collected, the Secretary shall have the authority to receive assessments and invest them on behalf of the Board, and shall pay such assessments and any interest earned to the Board when it is formed. The Secretary shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations concerning assessments and the collection of assessments, if the Board is not in place or is otherwise unable to develop such rules and regulations.
Payment remitted pursuant to this subpart shall be in the form of a negotiable instrument made payable to the Board. Such remittances and the reports specified in §§ 1221.124 and 1221.125 shall be mailed to the location designated by the Board.
Any importer of less than and including 1,000 bushels of grain sorghum or 5,000 tons of sorghum forage, sorghum hay, sorghum haylage, sorghum billets, or sorghum silage per calendar year may claim an exemption from the assessment required under § 1221.116.
An importer desiring an exemption shall apply to the Board, on a form provided by the Board, for a certificate of exemption. An importer shall certify that the importer will import less than and including 1,000 bushels of grain sorghum or 5,000 tons of sorghum forage, sorghum hay, sorghum haylage, sorghum billets, or sorghum silage.
Upon receipt of an application, the Board shall determine whether an exemption may be granted. The Board then will issue, if deemed appropriate, a certificate of exemption to each person who is eligible to receive one. It is the responsibility of these persons to retain a copy of the certificate of exemption.
Importers who receive a certificate of exemption shall be eligible for reimbursement of assessments collected by Customs. These importers shall apply to the Board for reimbursement of any assessments paid. No interest will be paid on the assessments collected by Customs. Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Board within 90 days of the last day of the calendar year the sorghum was actually imported.
Any person who desires an exemption from assessments for a subsequent calendar year shall reapply to the Board, on a form provided by the Board, for a certificate of exemption.
The Board may require persons receiving an exemption from assessments to provide to the Board reports on the disposition of exempt sorghum and, in the case of importers, proof of payment of assessments.
A producer or importer who operates under an approved National Organic Program (NOP) ( 7 CFR part 205) system plan; produces or imports only products that are eligible to be labeled as 100 percent organic under the NOP, except as provided for in paragraph (m) of this section; and is not, or does not import products from, a split operation shall be exempt from the payment of assessments.
To apply for an exemption under this section, the applicant shall submit the request to the Board or other party as designated by the Board, on a form provided by the Board, at any time initially and annually thereafter on or before January 1 as long as the applicant continues to be eligible for the exemption.
The request shall include the following: The applicant's name and address, a copy of the organic farm or organic handling operation certificate provided by a USDA accredited certifying agent as defined in section 2103 of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6502 ), a signed certification that the applicant meets all of the requirements specified for an assessment exemption, and such other information as may be required by the Board and with the approval of the Secretary.
If the applicant complies with the requirements of this section, the Board or designee will grant the exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the applicant. The Board will have 30 days from the date of receiving the request to approve the exemption request. If the application is disapproved, the Board will notify the applicant of the reason(s) for disapproval within the same timeframe.
The producer or importer shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to each first handler. The first handler shall maintain records showing the name and address of the exempt producer or importer and the exemption number assigned by the Board.
The exemption will apply at the first reporting period following the issuance of the exemption.
Agricultural commodities produced and marketed under an organic system plan, as described in 7 CFR 205.201, but not sold, labeled, or represented as organic, shall not disqualify a producer or importer from exemption under this section, except that producers or importers who produce or import both organic and non-organic agricultural commodities as a result of split operations shall not qualify for exemption. Reasons for conventional sales include lack of demand for organic products, isolated use of antibiotics for humane purposes, chemical or pesticide use as the result of State or emergency spray programs, and crops from a buffer area as described in 7 CFR Part 205, provided all other criteria are met.
The Board shall establish an interest bearing escrow account with a financial institution that is a member of the Federal Reserve System and will deposit into such account an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the total amount of assessments collected by the Board during the period beginning on the effective date of the Order and ending on the date the Secretary announces the results of the required referendum by ten percent (10 percent).
Upon failure of the required referendum, the Board shall pay refunds of assessments to eligible persons requesting refunds during the period beginning on the effective date of the Order and ending on the date the Secretary announces the results of the required referendum in the manner specified in paragraph (c) of this section.
If the amount deposited in the escrow account is less than the amount of refunds requested, the Board shall prorate the amount deposited in such account among all eligible persons who request a refund of assessments paid no later than 90 days after the required referendum results are announced by the Secretary.
If the Order is approved by the required referendum conducted under § 1221.130 then:
The escrow account shall be closed; and
The funds shall be available to the Board for disbursement under § 1221.112.
Any producer or importer from whom an assessment is collected and remitted to the Board, or who pays an assessment directly to the Board, under authority of the Act and this subpart through the announcement of the results of the required referendum, upon failure of the required referendum shall have the right to receive from the Board a refund of such assessment, or a prorated share thereof, upon submission of proof satisfactory to the Board that the producer or importer paid the assessment for which refund is sought. Any such demand shall be made by such producer or importer in accordance with the provisions of this subpart and in a manner consistent with regulations recommended by the Board and prescribed by the Secretary.
Upon failure of the required referendum, each producer or importer who paid an assessment pursuant to this subpart during the period beginning on the effective date of the Order and ending on the date the required referendum results are announced may obtain a refund of such assessment only by following the procedures prescribed in this section and any regulations recommended by the Board and prescribed by the Secretary:
A producer or importer shall obtain a Board-approved refund application form from the Board. Such forms may be obtained by written request to the Board and the request shall bear the producer's or importer's signature or properly witnessed mark.
Any producer or importer requesting a refund shall submit an application on the prescribed form to the Board within 60 days from the date the assessments were paid by such producer or importer but no later than the date the results of the required referendum are announced by the Secretary. The refund application shall show:
Producer's or importer's name and address;
Name and address of the person who collected applicant's assessment;
Number of bushels or tons of sorghum on which a refund is requested;
Total amount of refund requested;
Date or inclusive dates on which assessments were paid; and
The producer's or importer's signature or properly witnessed mark.
The documentation provided pursuant to § 1221.125(b) to the producer by the first handler responsible for collecting an assessment pursuant to this subpart, or a copy thereof, or such other evidence deemed satisfactory to the Board, shall accompany the producer's refund application. An importer must submit documentation showing that the assessment was paid along with a copy of the appropriate Customs form stating the net market value of the sorghum.