Each collecting handler who is required by § 1205.512 and § 1205.513 to give the producer a receipt showing payment of cotton research and promotion assessments shall provide the producer with an invoice or settlement sheet for the cotton. Such document shall serve as a receipt shall contain the following information:
Name and address of collecting handler.
Gin code number of gin at which cotton was ginned.
Name and address of producer who paid assessment.
Number of bales on which assessment was paid.
Gross price per pound received by the producer.
Total assessments paid by the producer.
Date on which assessment was paid by producer.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0581-0115)
Code of Federal Regulations
[42 FR 35974, July 13, 1977, as amended at 49 FR 8420, Mar. 7, 1984. Redesignated and amended at 51 FR 6099, Feb. 20, 1986. Further redesignated at 57 FR 29190, July 1, 1992]