Each county FSA office shall prepare and transmit to the state FSA office by December 7, 2007, a written report of the number of eligible producers who requested the conduct of a referendum, and the number of ineligible persons who made requests.
DAFO shall prepare, by December 7, 2007, a written report of the number of eligible importers who requested the conduct of a referendum, and the number of ineligible persons who made requests.
Each state FSA office shall, by December 7, 2007, forward all county reports to DAFO. By December 14, 2007, DAFO shall forward its report of the total number of eligible producers and importers that requested a continuance referendum, through the sign-up period, to the Deputy Administrator, Cotton Program, AMS, Stop 0224, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250-0224.
Code of Federal Regulations
[72 FR 51161, Sept. 6, 2007]