1150.274—Certification standards.
Certification of eligible organizations shall be based, in addition to other available information, on a factual report submitted by the organization, which shall contain information deemed relevant and specified by the Secretary for the making of such determination, including the following:
Geographic territory covered by the organization's active membership;
Nature and size of the organization's active membership including the total number of active milk producers represented by the organization;
Evidence of stability and permanency of the organization;
Sources from which the organization's operating funds are derived;
Functions of the organization; and
The organization's ability and willingness to further the aims and objectives of the Act.
The primary considerations in determining the eligibility of an organization shall be whether its membership consists primarily of milk producers who produce a substantial volume of milk, and whether the primary or overriding interest of the organization is in the production or processing of fluid milk and dairy products and promotion of the nutritional attributes of fluid milk and dairy products.
The Secretay shall certify any organization which he finds meets the criteria under this section and his determination as to eligibility shall be final.