Each person making payment to a producer for milk produced in the United States and marketed for commercial use shall collect an assessment on all such milk handled for the account of the producer at the rate of 15 cents per hundredweight of milk for commercial use or the equivalent thereof and shall remit the assessment to the Board.
Any producer marketing milk of that producer's own production in the form of milk or dairy products to consumers, either directly or through retail or wholesale outlets, shall remit to the Board an assessment on such milk at the rate of 15 cents per hundredweight of milk for commercial use or the equivalent thereof.
In determining the assessment due from each producer pursuant to § 1150.152 (a) and (b), a producer who is participating in a qualified State or regional program(s) shall receive a credit for contributions to such program(s), but not to exceed the following amounts:
In the case of contributions for milk marketed on or before May 31, 1984, up to the actual rate of contribution that was in effect under such program(s) on November 29, 1983, not to exceed 15 cents per hundredweight of milk marketed.
In all other cases, the credit shall not exceed 10 cents per hundredweight of milk marketed.
In order for a producer described in § 1150.152(a) to receive the credit authorized in § 1150.152(c), either the producer or a cooperative association on behalf of the producer must establish to the person responsible for remitting the assessment to the Board that the producer is contributing to a qualified State or regional program. Producers who contribute to a qualified program directly (other than through a payroll deduction) must establish with the person responsible for remitting the assessment to the Board, with validation by the qualified program, that they are making such contributions.
In order for a producer described in § 1150.152(b) to receive the credit authorized in § 1150.152(c), the producer and the applicable qualified State or regional program must establish to the Board that the producer is contributing to a qualified State or regional program.
The collection of assessments pursuant to § 1150.152(a) and (b) shall begin with respect to milk marketed on and after the effective date of this section and shall continue until terminated by the Secretary. If the Board is not constituted by the date the first assessments are to be collected, the Secretary shall have the authority to receive the assessments on behalf of the Board. The Secretary shall remit such assessments to the Board when it is constituted.
Each person responsible for the remittance of the assessment pursuant to § 1150.152(a) and (b) shall remit the assessment to the Board not later than the last day of the month following the month in which the milk was marketed.
Money remitted to the Board shall be in the form of a negotiable instrument made payable to “National Dairy Promotion and Research Board.” Remittances and reports specified in § 1150.171 shall be mailed to the location designated by the Secretary or the Board.