Each USDA agency is responsible for making the final determination with regard to the disclosure or nondisclosure of information in agency records that has been submitted by a business. When, in the course of responding to an FOIA request, an agency cannot readily determine whether the information obtained from a person is privileged or confidential business information, the policy of USDA is to obtain and consider the views of the submitter of the information and to provide the submitter an opportunity to object to any decision to disclose the information. If a request (including a subpoena duces tecum as described in § 1.215) is received in USDA for information that has been submitted by a business, the agency shall:
Provide the business information submitter with prompt notification of a request for that information (unless it is readily determined by the agency that the information requested should not be disclosed or, on the other hand, that the information is not exempt by law from disclosure). Afford business information submitter reasonable time in which to object to the disclosure of any specified portion of the information. The submitter must explain fully all grounds upon which disclosure is opposed. For example, if the submitter maintains that disclosure is likely to cause substantial harm to it competitive position, the submitter must explain item-by-item why disclosure would cause such harm. Information provided by a business submitter pursuant to this paragraph may itself be subject to disclosure under FOIA;
Notify the requester of the need to inform the submitter of a request for submitted business information;
Determine whether the requested records are exempt from disclosure or must be released;
Provide business information submitters with notice of any determination to disclose such records prior to the disclosure date, in order that the matter may be considered for possible judicial intervention; and
Notify business information submitters promptly of all instances in which FOIA requesters bring suit seeking to compel disclosure of submitted information.
Code of Federal Regulations
[65 FR 46339, July 28, 2000]