As used in this part, the following terms have these meanings:
Common horsepower. Any size motor that can be reasonably accommodated on the body of water slated for development.
Comprehensive fish and wildlife management plan. A document describing the State's plan for meeting the long-range needs of the public for fish and wildlife resources, and the system for managing the plan.
Director. The Director of the Service, or his or her designated representative. The Director serves as the Secretary's representative in matters relating to the administration and execution of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts.
Project. One or more related undertakings necessary to fulfill a need or needs, as defined by the State, and consistent with the purposes of the appropriate Act.
Regional Director. The regional director of any region of the Service, or his or her designated representative.
Resident angler. One who fishes within the same State where legal residence is maintained.
Secretary. The Secretary of the Interior or his or her designated representative.
Service. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
State. Any State of the United States and the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, the District of Columbia, and the territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. References to “the 50 States” pertain only to the 50 States of the United States and do not include these other six areas.
State fish and wildlife agency. The agency or official of a State designated under State law or regulation to carry out the laws of the State in relation to the management of fish and wildlife resources of the State. Such an agency or official also designated to exercise collateral responsibilities, e.g., a State Department of Natural Resources, will be considered the State fish and wildlife agency only when exercising the responsibilities specific to the management of the fish and wildlife resources of the State.
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts or the Acts. Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act of September 2, 1937, as amended (50 Stat. 917; 16 U.S.C. 669-669k), and the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act of August 9, 1950, as amended (64 Stat. 430; 16 U.S.C. 777-777n ).
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program Funds. Funds provided under the Acts.
[73 FR 43127, July 24, 2008]