In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act and in part 600 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have the following meanings:
Adequate evidence, for purposes of subpart E of this part, means information sufficient to support the reasonable belief that a particular act or omission has occurred.
ADF&G means the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
ADF&G fish ticket number means a nine-digit number designated by one alphabet letter (i.e., G = groundfish), two numbers that identify the year (i.e., 98), followed by six numbers.
ADF&G processor code means State of Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) Intent to operate processor license number (example: F12345).
Advanced nurse practitioner means a registered nurse authorized to practice in any state who, because of specialized education and experience, is certified to perform acts of medical diagnosis and the prescription and dispensing of medical, therapeutic, or corrective measures under regulations adopted by the state Board of Nursing.
AFA catcher vessel means a catcher vessel permitted to harvest BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(3).
AFA crab processing facility means a processing plant, catcher/processor, mothership, floating processor or any other operation that processes any FMP species of BSAI crab, and that is affiliated with an AFA entity that processes pollock harvested by a catcher vessel cooperative operating in the inshore or mothership sectors of the BS pollock fishery.
AFA entity means a group of affiliated individuals, corporations, or other business concerns that harvest or process pollock in the BS directed pollock fishery.
AFA inshore processor means a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor permitted to process BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(5).
AFA mothership means a mothership permitted to process BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(5).
AFA catcher/processor means:
For purposes of BS pollock and all BSAI groundfish fisheries other than Atka mackerel, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rock sole, and yellowfin sole, a catcher/processor that is permitted to harvest BS pollock under § 679.4(l)(2).
For purposes of BSAI Atka mackerel, flathead sole, Greenland turbot, Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rock sole, and yellowfin sole, a catcher/processor that is permitted to harvest BS pollock and that is listed under § 679.4(l)(2)(i).
Affiliates, for purposes of subpart E of this part, means business concerns, organizations, or individuals are affiliates of each other if, directly or indirectly, either one controls or has the power to control the other, or a third party controls or has the power to control both. Indicators of control include, but are not limited to, interlocking management or ownership, identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment, common use of employees, or a business entity organized following the decertification, suspension, or proposed decertification of an observer provider that has the same or similar management, ownership, or principal employees as the observer provider that was decertified, suspended, or proposed for decertification.
Affiliation for the purpose of defining AFA entities means a relationship between two or more individuals, corporations, or other business concerns in which one concern directly or indirectly owns a 10-percent or greater interest in another, exerts control over another, or has the power to exert control over another; or a third individual, corporation, or other business concern directly or indirectly owns a 10 percent or greater interest in both, exerts control over both, or has the power to exert control over both.
(1) What is 10-percent or greater ownership?
For the purpose of determining affiliation, 10-percent or greater ownership is deemed to exist if an individual, corporation, or other business concern directly or indirectly owns 10 percent or greater interest in a second corporation or other business concern.
(2) What is an indirect interest?
An indirect interest is one that passes through one or more intermediate entities. An entity's percentage of indirect interest in a second entity is equal to the entity's percentage of direct interest in an intermediate entity multiplied by the intermediate entity's direct or indirect interest in the second entity.
(3) What is control?
For the purpose of determining affiliation, control is deemed to exist if an individual, corporation, or other business concern has any of the following relationships or forms of control over another individual, corporation, or other business concern:
Controls 10 percent or more of the voting stock of another corporation or business concern;
Has the authority to direct the business of the entity which owns the fishing vessel or processor. The authority to “direct the business of the entity” does not include the right to simply participate in the direction of the business activities of an entity which owns a fishing vessel or processor;
Has the authority in the ordinary course of business to limit the actions of or to replace the chief executive officer, a majority of the board of directors, any general partner or any person serving in a management capacity of an entity that holds 10 percent or greater interest in a fishing vessel or processor. Standard rights of minority shareholders to restrict the actions of the entity are not included in this definition of control provided they are unrelated to day-to-day business activities. These rights include provisions to require the consent of the minority shareholder to sell all or substantially all the assets, to enter into a different business, to contract with the major investors or their affiliates or to guarantee the obligations of majority investors or their affiliates;
Has the authority to direct the transfer, operation or manning of a fishing vessel or processor. The authority to “direct the transfer, operation, or manning” of a vessel or processor does not include the right to simply participate in such activities;
Has the authority to control the management of or to be a controlling factor in the entity that holds 10 percent or greater interest in a fishing vessel or processor;
Absorbs all the costs and normal business risks associated with ownership and operation of a fishing vessel or processor;
Has the responsibility to procure insurance on the fishing vessel or processor, or assumes any liability in excess of insurance coverage;
Has the authority to control a fishery cooperative through 10-percent or greater ownership or control over a majority of the vessels in the cooperative, has the authority to appoint, remove, or limit the actions of or replace the chief executive officer of the cooperative, or has the authority to appoint, remove, or limit the actions of a majority of the board of directors of the cooperative. In such instance, all members of the cooperative are considered affiliates of the individual, corporation, or other business concern that exerts control over the cooperative; and
Has the ability through any other means whatsoever to control the entity that holds 10 percent or greater interest in a fishing vessel or processor.
Agent (1) For purposes of permits issued under § 679.4, means a person appointed and residing within the United States who may apply for permits and may otherwise act on behalf of the owner, operator, or manager of a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, shoreside processor, stationary floating processor, buying station, support vessel, or on behalf of the IFQ permit holders, IFQ registered buyers, or CDQ halibut permit holders.
For purposes of groundfish product distribution under § 679.5(g), means a buyer, distributor, or shipper but not a buying station, who may receive and distribute groundfish on behalf of the owner, operator, and manager of a catcher/processor, mothership, shoreside processor, or stationary floating processor.
For purposes of IFQ recordkeeping and reporting under § 679.5(l), means a person who on behalf of the Registered Buyer may submit IFQ reports.
Agent for service of process means, for purposes of § 679.21(f), a person appointed by the members of an AFA inshore cooperative, a CDQ group, or an entity representing the AFA catcher/processor sector or the AFA mothership sector, who is authorized to receive and respond to any legal process issued in the United States with respect to all owners and operators of vessels that are members of the inshore cooperative, the entity representing the catcher/processor sector, the entity representing the mothership sector, or the entity representing the cooperative or a CDQ group and owners of all vessels directed fishing for pollock CDQ on behalf of that CDQ group.
AI directed pollock fishery means directed fishing for pollock in the AI under the allocation to the Aleut Corporation authorized at § 679.20(a)(5)(iii).
Alaska local time (A.l.t.) means the time in the Alaska time zone.
Alaska Seamount Habitat Protection Areas means management areas established for the protection of seamount habitat areas of particular concern in the BSAI and GOA. See Table 22 to this part.
Alaska State waters means waters adjacent to the State of Alaska and shoreward of the EEZ off Alaska.
Aleut Corporation means the Aleut Corporation incorporated pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601
et seq. ).
Aleut Corporation entity means a harvester or processor selected by the Aleut Corporation and approved by NMFS to harvest or process pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery.
Aleutian Islands Subarea (AI) of the BSAI means that portion of the EEZ contained in Statistical Areas 541, 542, and 543 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Aleutian Islands Coral Habitat Protection Areas means management areas established for the protection of certain coral garden areas in reporting areas of the Aleutian Islands subarea and adjacent State waters. See Table 23 to this part.
Aleutian Islands Habitat Conservation Area means a management area established for the protection of fish habitat in reporting areas of the Aleutian Islands subarea and adjacent State waters. See Table 24 to this part.
American Fisheries Act (AFA) means Title II—Fisheries Subtitles I and II, as cited within the Omnibus Appropriations Bill FY99 (Pub. L. 105-277).
Amendment 80 cooperative means a group of Amendment 80 QS holders who have chosen to fish cooperatively for Amendment 80 species under the requirements of subpart H to this part and who have applied for and received a CQ permit issued by NMFS to catch a quantity of fish expressed as a portion of the ITAC and crab and halibut PSC limits.
Amendment 80 fishery means an Amendment 80 cooperative or the Amendment 80 limited access fishery.
Amendment 80 initial QS pool means the sum of Amendment 80 QS units established for an Amendment 80 species in a management area based on the Amendment 80 official record and used for the initial allocation of Amendment 80 QS units and use cap calculations as described in § 679.92(a).
Amendment 80 legal landing means the total catch of Amendment 80 species in a management area in the BSAI by an Amendment 80 vessel that:
Was made in compliance with state and Federal regulations in effect at that time; and
Is recorded on a Weekly Production Report from January 20, 1998, through December 31, 2004; and
Amendment 80 species caught while test fishing, fishing under an experimental, exploratory, or scientific activity permit, or fishing under the Western Alaska CDQ Program are not considered Amendment 80 legal landings.
Amendment 80 limited access fishery means the fishery conducted in the BSAI by persons with Amendment 80 QS permits, Amendment 80 LLP licenses, or Amendment 80 vessels assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery.
Amendment 80 LLP license means:
Any LLP license that is endorsed for groundfish in the Bering Sea subarea or Aleutian Islands subarea with a catcher/processor designation and that designates an Amendment 80 vessel in an approved application for Amendment 80 QS;
Any LLP license that designates an Amendment 80 vessel at any time after the effective date of the Amendment 80 Program; and
Any Amendment 80 LLP/QS license.
Amendment 80 LLP/QS license means an LLP license originally assigned to an Amendment 80 vessel with an Amendment 80 QS permit assigned to that LLP license.
Amendment 80 mackerel QS means Atka mackerel QS derived from Amendment 80 legal landings assigned to an Amendment 80 mackerel vessel.
Amendment 80 mackerel vessel means an Amendment 80 vessel that is not an Amendment 80 non-mackerel vessel.
Amendment 80 non-mackerel QS means Atka mackerel QS derived from Amendment 80 legal landings assigned to an Amendment 80 non-mackerel vessel.
Amendment 80 non-mackerel vessel means an Amendment 80 vessel that is less than 200 feet in length overall and that has been used to catch less than 2.0 percent of the total Amendment 80 legal landings of BSAI Atka mackerel.
Amendment 80 official record means information used by NMFS to determine eligibility to participate in the Amendment 80 Program and to assign specific catch privileges to Amendment 80 QS holders.
Amendment 80 Program means the Program implemented under subpart H of this part to manage Amendment 80 species fisheries by limiting participation in these fisheries to eligible participants.
Amendment 80 PSC means halibut and crab PSC as described in Table 35 to this part that are allocated to the Amendment 80 sector.
Amendment 80 QS holder means a person who is issued an Amendment 80 QS permit by NMFS.
Amendment 80 QS permit means a permit issued by NMFS that designates the amount of Amendment 80 QS units derived from the Amendment 80 legal landings assigned to an Amendment 80 vessel for each Amendment 80 species in a management area.
Amendment 80 QS pool means the sum of Amendment 80 QS units established for each Amendment 80 species in a management area based on the Amendment 80 official record.
Amendment 80 QS unit means a measure of the Amendment 80 QS pool based on Amendment 80 legal landings.
Amendment 80 sector means:
Those Amendment 80 QS holders who own Amendment 80 vessels and hold Amendment 80 LLP licenses; or
Those persons who hold Amendment 80 LLP/QS licenses.
Amendment 80 species means the following species in the following regulatory areas:
Aleutian Islands Pacific ocean perch;
Amendment 80 vessel means:
The vessels listed in Column A of Table 31 to this part with the corresponding USCG Documentation Number listed in Column B of Table 31 to this part; or
Is not listed as an AFA catcher/processor under sections 208(e)(1) through (20) of the American Fisheries Act; and
Has been used to harvest with trawl gear and process not less than 150 mt of Atka mackerel, flathead sole, Pacific cod, Pacific ocean perch, rock sole, turbot, or yellowfin sole in the aggregate in the BSAI during the period from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 2002.
Ancillary product (see Table 1 to this part).
Appointed agent for service of process means an agent appointed by the members of a fishery cooperative to serve on behalf of the cooperative. The appointed agent for service of process may be the owner of a vessel listed as a member of the cooperative or a registered agent.
Arctic fish means finfish, mollusks, crustaceans, and all other forms of marine animal and plant life other than marine mammals, birds, Pacific salmon, and Pacific halibut.
Arctic Management Area, for purposes of regulations governing the Arctic Management Area fisheries, means all marine waters in the U.S. EEZ of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas from 3 nautical miles off the coast of Alaska or its baseline to 200 nautical miles offshore, north of Bering Strait (from Cape Prince of Wales to Cape Dezhneva) and westward to the 1990 U.S./Russia maritime boundary line and eastward to the U.S./Canada maritime boundary (see Figure 24 to this part).
Area endorsement means (for purposes of groundfish LLP) a designation on a license that authorizes a license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the designated area, subarea, or district. Area endorsements, which are inclusive of, but not necessarily the same as, management areas, subareas, or districts defined in this part, are as follows:
Aleutian Islands area endorsement. Authorizes the license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the Aleutian Islands Subarea;
Bering Sea area endorsement. Authorizes the license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the Bering Sea Subarea;
Central Gulf area endorsement. Authorizes the license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the Central GOA regulatory area and the West Yakutat District;
Southeast Outside area endorsement. Authorizes the license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the Southeast Outside District; and
Western Gulf area endorsement. Authorizes the license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish in the Western GOA regulatory area.
Area/species endorsement means (for purposes of LLP) a designation on a license that authorizes a license holder to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for the designated crab species in Federal waters in the designated area (see Figures 16 and 17 to this part). Area/species endorsements for crab species licenses are as follows:
Aleutian Islands brown king in waters with an eastern boundary the longitude of Scotch Cap Light (164°44′ W. long.), a western boundary of the U.S.-Russian Convention Line of 1867, and a northern boundary of a line from the latitude of Cape Sarichef (54°36′ N. lat.) westward to 171° W. long., then north to 55°30′ N. lat., then west to the U.S.-Russian Convention line of 1867.
Aleutian Islands red king in waters with an eastern boundary the longitude of Scotch Cap Light (164°44′ W. long.), a western boundary of the U.S.-Russian Convention Line of 1867, and a northern boundary of a line from the latitude of Cape Sarichef (54°36′ N. lat.) westward to 171° W. long., then north to 55°30′ N. lat., and then west to the U.S.-Russian Convention line of 1867.
Bristol Bay red king in waters with a northern boundary of 58°39′ N. lat., a southern boundary of 54°36′ N. lat., and a western boundary of 168° W. long. and including all waters of Bristol Bay.
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area C. opilio and C. bairdi in Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea waters east of the U.S.-Russian Convention Line of 1867, excluding all Pacific Ocean waters east of a boundary line extending south (180°) from Scotch Cap Light.
Norton Sound red king and Norton Sound blue king in waters with a western boundary of 168° W. long., a southern boundary of 61°49′ N. lat., and a northern boundary of 65°36′ N. lat.
Pribilof red king and Pribilof blue king in waters with a northern boundary of 58°39′ N. lat., an eastern boundary of 168° W. long., a southern boundary line from 54°36′ N. lat., 168° W. long., to 54°36′ N. lat., 171° W. long., to 55°30′ N. lat., 171° W. long., to 55°30′ N. lat., 173°30′ E. lat., and then westward to the U.S.-Russian Convention line of 1867.
St. Matthew blue king in waters with a northern boundary of 61°49′ N. lat., a southern boundary of 58°39′ N. lat., and a western boundary of the U.S.-Russian Convention line of 1867.
Associated processor means:
(1) Relationship with a buying station.
A mothership or catcher/processor issued an FFP, or a shoreside processor or SFP issued an FPP, with a contractual relationship with a buying station to conduct groundfish buying station activities for that processor.
(2) Relationship with a custom processor.
A mothership or catcher/processor issued an FFP or a shoreside processor or SFP issued an FPP, with a contractual relationship with a custom processor to process groundfish on its behalf.
At-sea operation means, for purposes of eLandings, a catcher/processor or mothership that is receiving and/or processing fish in State waters and/or in waters of the EEZ off the coast of Alaska.
Authorized distributor means a tax-exempt organization authorized by NMFS to coordinate the processing, storage, transportation, and distribution of salmon taken as incidental catch in the groundfish trawl fisheries to tax-exempt hunger relief agencies, food bank networks, and food bank distributors (see § 679.26, Prohibited Species Donation Program).
Authorized fishing gear (see also § 679.24 for gear limitations and Table 15 to this part for gear codes) means trawl gear, fixed gear, longline gear, pot gear, and nontrawl gear as follows:
Bottom contact gear means nonpelagic trawl, dredge, dinglebar, pot, or hook-and-line gear.
Dinglebar gear means one or more lines retrieved and set with a troll gurdy or hand troll gurdy, with a terminally attached weight from which one or more leaders with one or more lures or baited hooks are pulled through the water while a vessel is making way.
Dredge means a dredge-like device designed specifically for and capable of taking scallops by being towed along the ocean floor.
For sablefish harvested from any GOA reporting area, all longline gear and, for purposes of determining initial IFQ allocation, all pot gear used to make a legal landing.
For sablefish harvested from any BSAI reporting area, all hook-and-line gear and all pot gear.
For halibut harvested from any IFQ regulatory area, all fishing gear comprised of lines with hooks attached, including one or more stationary, buoyed, and anchored lines with hooks attached.
Hand troll gear means one or more lines, with lures or hooks attached, drawn through the water behind a moving vessel, and retrieved by hand or hand-cranked reels or gurdies and not by any electrically, hydraulically, or mechanically powered device or attachment.
Handline gear means a hand-held line, with one or more hooks attached, that may only be operated manually.
Hook-and-line gear means a stationary, buoyed, and anchored line with hooks attached, or the taking of fish by means of such a device.
Jig gear means a single, non-buoyed, non-anchored line with hooks attached, or the taking of fish by means of such a device.
Longline gear means hook-and-line, jig, troll, and handline or the taking of fish by means of such a device.
Longline pot means a stationary, buoyed, and anchored line with two or more pots attached, or the taking of fish by means of such a device.
Mobile bottom contact gear means nonpelagic trawl, dredge, or dinglebar gear.
Nonpelagic trawl means a trawl other than a pelagic trawl.
Nontrawl gear means pot and longline gear.
Pelagic trawl gear means a trawl that:
Has no discs, bobbins, or rollers;
Has no chafe protection gear attached to the footrope or fishing line;
Except for the small mesh allowed under paragraph (14)(ix) of this definition:
Has no mesh tied to the fishing line, headrope, and breast lines with less than 20 inches (50.8 cm) between knots and has no stretched mesh size of less than 60 inches (152.4 cm) aft from all points on the fishing line, headrope, and breast lines and extending passed the fishing circle for a distance equal to or greater than one half the vessel's LOA; or
Has no parallel lines spaced closer than 64 inches (162.6 cm) from all points on the fishing line, headrope, and breast lines and extending aft to a section of mesh, with no stretched mesh size of less than 60 inches (152.4 cm) extending aft for a distance equal to or greater than one-half the vessel's LOA;
Has no stretched mesh size less than 15 inches (38.1 cm) aft of the mesh described in paragraph (14)(iii) of this definition for a distance equal to or greater than one-half the vessel's LOA;
Contains no configuration intended to reduce the stretched mesh sizes described in paragraphs (14)(iii) and (iv) of this definition;
Has no flotation other than floats capable of providing up to 200 lb (90.7 kg) of buoyancy to accommodate the use of a net-sounder device;
Has no more than one fishing line and one footrope for a total of no more than two weighted lines on the bottom of the trawl between the wing tip and the fishing circle;
Has no metallic component except for connectors (e.g., hammerlocks or swivels) or a net-sounder device aft of the fishing circle and forward of any mesh greater than 5.5 inches (14.0 cm) stretched measure;
May have small mesh within 32 ft (9.8 m) of the center of the headrope as needed for attaching instrumentation (e.g., net-sounder device); and
May have weights on the wing tips.
Pot gear means a portable structure designed and constructed to capture and retain fish alive in the water. This gear type includes longline pot and pot-and-line gear. Each groundfish pot must comply with the following:
(i) Biodegradable panel.
Each pot used to fish for groundfish must be equipped with a biodegradable panel at least 18 inches (45.72 cm) in length that is parallel to, and within 6 inches (15.24 cm) of, the bottom of the pot, and that is sewn up with untreated cotton thread of no larger size than No. 30.
(ii) Tunnel opening.
Each pot used to fish for groundfish must be equipped with rigid tunnel openings that are no wider than 9 inches (22.86 cm) and no higher than 9 inches (22.86 cm), or soft tunnel openings with dimensions that are no wider than 9 inches (22.86 cm).
Pot-and-line gear means a stationary, buoyed line with a single pot attached, or the taking of fish by means of such a device.
Power troll gear means one or more lines, with hooks or lures attached, drawn through the water behind a moving vessel, and originating from a power gurdy or power-driven spool fastened to the vessel, the extension or retraction of which is directly to the gurdy or spool.
Trawl gear means a cone or funnel-shaped net that is towed through the water by one or more vessels. For purposes of this part, this definition includes, but is not limited to, beam trawls (trawl with a fixed net opening utilizing a wood or metal beam), otter trawls (trawl with a net opening controlled by devices commonly called otter doors), and pair trawls (trawl dragged between two vessels) and is further described as pelagic or nonpelagic trawl.
Troll gear means one or more lines with hooks or lures attached drawn through the water behind a moving vessel. This gear type includes hand troll and power troll gear and dinglebar gear.
Snap gear means a type of hook-and-line gear where the hook and gangion are attached to the groundline using a mechanical fastener or snap.
Authorized officer means:
Any commissioned, warrant, or petty officer of the USCG;
Any special agent or fishery enforcement officer of NMFS;
Any officer designated by the head of any Federal or state agency that has entered into an agreement with the Secretary and the Commandant of the USCG to enforce the provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute administered by NOAA; or
Any USCG personnel accompanying and acting under the direction of any person described in paragraph (1) of this definition.
Basis species means any species or species group that is open to directed fishing that the vessel is authorized to harvest (see Tables 10 and 11 to this part).
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area, for purposes of regulations governing the commercial king and Tanner crab fisheries in part 680 of this Chapter, means those waters of the EEZ off the west coast of Alaska lying south of the Chukchi Sea statistical area as described in the coordinates listed for Figure 1 to this part, and extending south of the Aleutian Islands for 200 nm west of Scotch Cap Light (164° 44′36″ W. long).
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI), for purposes of regulations governing the groundfish fisheries, means the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands subareas (see Figure 1 to this part).
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Area means a habitat protection area specified at Table 42 and Figure 16 to this part.
Bering Sea Subarea of the BSAI means that portion of the EEZ contained in Statistical Areas 508, 509, 512, 513, 514, 516, 517, 518, 519, 521, 523, 524, and 530 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Bled codend means a form of discard by vessels using trawl gear wherein some or all of the fish are emptied into the sea from the net before fish are brought fully on board.
Bogoslof District means that part of the Bering Sea Subarea contained in Statistical Area 518 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Bowers Ridge Habitat Conservation Zone means a management area established for the protection of the Bowers Ridge and Ulm Plateau habitat areas of particular concern in the BSAI. See Table 25 to this part.
Breast line means the rope or wire running along the forward edges of the side panels of a net, or along the forward edge of the side rope in a rope trawl.
Briefing means a short (usually 2-4 day) training session that observers must complete to fulfill endorsement requirements.
BSAI trawl limited access sector means fisheries conducted in the BSAI by persons using trawl gear and who are not:
Using an Amendment 80 vessel or an Amendment 80 LLP license; or
Fishing for CDQ groundfish.
Bulwark means a section of a vessel's side continuing above the main deck.
Buying station means a tender vessel or land-based entity that receives unprocessed groundfish from a vessel for delivery to a shoreside processor, stationary floating processor, or mothership and that does not process those fish.
Bycatch Limitation Zone 1 (Zone 1) means that part of the Bering Sea Subarea that is contained within the boundaries of Statistical Areas 508, 509, 512, and 516 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Bycatch Limitation Zone 2 (Zone 2) means that part of the Bering Sea Subarea that is contained within the boundaries of Statistical Areas 513, 517, and 521 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Bycatch or bycatch species means fish caught and released while targeting another species or caught and released while targeting the same species.
Calendar day means a 24-hour period that starts at 0001 hours Alaska local time and ends at 2400 hours Alaska local time.
Catcher/processor (C/P) means:
With respect to groundfish recordkeeping and reporting, a vessel that is used for catching fish and processing that fish.
With respect to subpart E of this part, a processor vessel that is used for, or equipped to be used for, catching fish and processing that fish.
Catcher/processor vessel designation means, for purposes of the license limitation program, a license designation that authorizes the license holder:
Designated on a groundfish license to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish and process license limitation groundfish on that vessel or to conduct only directed fishing for license limitation groundfish; or
Designated on a crab species license to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for crab species and process crab species on that vessel or to conduct only directed fishing for crab species.
Catcher vessel (C/V) means a vessel that is used for catching fish and that does not process fish on board.
Catcher vessel designation means, for purposes of the license limitation program, a license designation that authorizes the license holder:
Designated on a groundfish license to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for, but not process, license limitation groundfish on that vessel; or
Designated on a crab species license to deploy a vessel to conduct directed fishing for, but not process, crab species on that vessel.
Catcher Vessel Operational Area (CVOA) (see Figure 2 to this part and § 679.22(a)(5) ).
CBL means crab bycatch limit.
CDQ means community development quota and is the amount of a CDQ reserve that is allocated to a CDQ group.
CDQ allocation means a percentage of a CDQ reserve specified under § 679.31 that is assigned to a CDQ group when NMFS approves a proposed CDP.
CDQ group means a qualified applicant with an approved CDP.
CDQ group number means a number assigned to a CDQ group by NMFS that must be recorded and is required in all logbooks and all reports submitted by the CDQ group, vessels harvesting CDQ, or processors taking deliveries of CDQ.
CDQ Program means the Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program implemented under subpart C of this part.
CDQ project means any program that is funded by a CDQ group's assets for the economic or social development of a community or group of communities that are participating in a CDQ group, including, but not limited to, infrastructure development, CDQ investments, employment and training programs, and CDP administration.
CDQ representative means any individual who is authorized by a CDQ group to sign documents submitted to NMFS on behalf of the CDQ group.
CDQ reserve means the amount of each groundfish TAC apportioned under § 679.20, the amount of each catch limit for halibut, or the amount of TAC for crab that has been set aside for purposes of the CDQ Program.
CDQ species means any species or species group that is allocated from a CDQ reserve to a CDQ group.
Central Aleutian District means that part of the Aleutian Islands Subarea contained in Statistical Area 542 (see Figure 1 to this part).
Central GOA Regulatory Area means that portion of the GOA EEZ that is contained in Statistical Areas 620 and 630 (see Figure 3 to this part).
Chinook salmon bycatch incentive plan agreement (IPA) is a voluntary private contract, approved by NMFS under § 679.21(f)(12), that establishes incentives for participants to avoid Chinook salmon bycatch while directed fishing for pollock in the Bering Sea subarea.
Chum Salmon Savings Area of the BSAI CVOA (See § 679.21(e)(7)(vii) and Figure 9 to th