452.04—Secretary's report.
(a) Contents of the report.
If the Secretary has made a positive finding on each of the threshold determinations, he shall proceed to gather information and prepare a report for the Endangered Species Committee:
Discussing the availability of reasonable and prudent alternatives to the proposed action;
Discussing the nature and extent of the benefits of the proposed action;
Discussing the nature and extent of the benefits of alternative courses of action consistent with conserving the species or the critical habitat;
Summarizing the evidence concerning whether the proposed action is of national or regional significance;
Summarizing the evidence concerning whether the proposed action is in the public interest;
Discussing appropriate and reasonable mitigation and enhancement measures which should be considered by the Committee in granting an exemption; and
Discussing whether the Federal agency and permit or license applicant, if any, have refrained from making any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources.
(b) Preparation of the report.
The report shall be prepared in accordance with procedures set out in § 452.05 and § 452.09.