270.19—Notice of assessment.
The Council must serve each person subject to assessment with notice that the assessment is due. The notice of assessment must contain:
A specific reference to the provisions of the Act, regulations, charter and referendum that authorize the assessment;
The amount of the assessment;
The period of time covered by the assessment;
The date the assessment is due and payable, which will not be earlier than 30 days from the date of the notice;
The form(s) of payment; and
To whom and where the payment must be made.
The notice must advise such person of his or her right to seek review of the assessment by filing a written petition of objection with NMFS at any time during the time period to which the assessment applies, including the right to request a hearing on the petition. The notice must state that the petition of objection must be filed in accordance with the procedures in § 270.21.
The notice must also advise such persons of his or her right to a refund of the assessment as provided in § 270.22. The notice must state that a refund may be requested for not less than 90 days from such collection, and provide that the Council will make the refund within 60 days after the request for the refund is requested.