(a) Is the specimen an artificially propagated hybrid of one or more Appendix-I species or taxa? |
(1) YES. Continue to paragraph (b) of this section.(2) NO. Continue to paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Is one or more of the Appendix-I species or taxa in paragraph (a) of this section annotated to include hybrids? |
(1) YES. The hybrid is listed in Appendix I.(2) NO. The hybrid is listed in Appendix I, but may be granted a certificate for artificially propagated plants even if propagated for commercial purposes.
(c) Is the specimen a hybrid that includes two or more CITES species or taxa in its lineage? |
(1) YES. Consider the specimen to be listed in the more restrictive Appendix, with Appendix I being the most restrictive and Appendix III the least.(2) NO. Continue to paragraph (d) of this section.
(d) Is the specimen a hybrid that includes one CITES species or taxon in its lineage? |
(1) YES. Consider the specimen to be listed in the Appendix in which the species or taxon is listed in the CITES Appendices.(2) NO. The hybrid is not regulated by CITES.