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226.212—Critical habitat for 13 Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) of salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus spp.) in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Critical habitat is designated in the following states and counties for the following ESUs as described in paragraph (a) of this section, and as further described in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section. The textual descriptions of critical habitat for each ESU are included in paragraphs (i) through (u) of this section, and these descriptions are the definitive source for determining the critical habitat boundaries. General location maps are provided at the end of each ESU description (paragraphs (i) through (u) of this section) and are provided for general guidance purposes only, and not as a definitive source for determining critical habitat boundaries.
ESU State—Counties
(1) Puget Sound chinook salmon WA—Clallam, Jefferson, King, Mason, Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, and Whatcom.
(2) Lower Columbia River chinook salmon (i) OR—Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Hood River, and Multnomah.(ii) WA—Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania, and Wahkiakum.
(3) Upper Willamette River chinook salmon (i) OR—Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, and Yamhill.(ii) WA—Clark, Cowlitz, Pacific, and Wahkiakum.
(4) Upper Columbia River spring-run chinook salmon (i) OR—Clatsop, Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, and Wasco.(ii) WA—Benton, Chelan, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Pacific, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, and Yakima.
(5) Hood Canal summer-run chum salmon WA—Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason.
(6) Columbia River chum salmon (i) OR—Clatsop, Columbia, Hood River, and Multnomah.(ii) WA—Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania, and Wahkiakum.
(7) Ozette Lake sockeye salmon WA—Clallam.
(8) Upper Columbia River steelhead (i) OR—Clatsop, Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow, Multnomah, Umatilla, and Wasco.(ii) WA—Adams, Benton, Chelan, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Pacific, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, and Yakima.
(9) Snake River Basin steelhead (i) ID—Adams, Blaine, Clearwater, Custer, Idaho, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Valley.(ii) OR—Clatsop, Columbia, Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, and Wasco. (iii) WA—Asotin, Benton, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Franklin, Garfield, Klickitat, Pacific, Skamania, Walla Walla, Wahkiakum, and Whitman.
(10) Middle Columbia River steelhead (i) OR—Clatsop, Columbia, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, Hood River, Jefferson, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler.(ii) WA—Benton, Clark, Cowlitz, Columbia, Franklin, King, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, and Yakima.
(11) Lower Columbia River steelhead (i) OR—Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Hood River, Marion, and Multnomah.(ii) WA—Clark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Lewis, Pacific, Skamania, and Wahkiakum.
(12) Upper Willamette River steelhead (i) OR—Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill.(ii) WA—Clark, Cowlitz, Pacific, and Wahkiakum.
(13) Oregon Coast coho salmon OR—Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, Oregon Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill.
(b) Critical habitat boundaries. Critical habitat includes the stream channels within the designated stream reaches, and includes a lateral extent as defined by the ordinary high-water line ( 33 CFR 319.11 ). In areas where ordinary high-water line has not been defined, the lateral extent will be defined by the bankfull elevation. Bankfull elevation is the level at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and is reached at a discharge which generally has a recurrence interval of 1 to 2 years on the annual flood series. Critical habitat in lake areas is defined by the perimeter of the water body as displayed on standard 1:24,000 scale topographic maps or the elevation of ordinary high water, whichever is greater. In estuarine and nearshore marine areas critical habitat includes areas contiguous with the shoreline from the line of extreme high water out to a depth no greater than 30 meters relative to mean lower low water.

Code of Federal Regulations

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