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223.202—Steller sea lion.

(a) General prohibitions. The prohibitions of section 9 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1538) and the following regulatory provisions shall apply to the eastern population of Steller sea lions:
Table 1 to § 223.202 —Listed Steller Sea Lion Rookery Sites 1
Island From To NOAA chart Notes
Lat. Long. Lat. Long.
1. Outer I. 59°20.5 N 150°23.0 W 59°21.0 N 150°24.5 W 16681 S quadrant.
2. Sugarloaf I. 58°53.0 N 152°02.0 W 16580 Whole island.
3. Marmot I. 58°14.5 N 151°47.5 W 58°10.0 N 151°51.0 W 16580 SE quadrant.
4. Chirikof I. 55°46.5 N 155°39.5 W 55°46.5 N 155°43.0 W 16580 S quadrant.
5. Chowiet I. 56°00.5 N 156°41.5 W 56°00.5 N 156°42.0 W 16013 S quadrant.
6. Atkins I. 55°03.5 N 159°18.5 W 16540 Whole island.
7. Chernabura I. 54°47.5 N 159°31.0 W 54°45.5 N 159°33.5 W 16540 SE corner.
8. Pinnacle Rock 54°46.0 N 161°46.0 W 16540 Whole island.
9. Clubbing Rks (N) 54°43.0 N 162°26.5 W 16540 Whole island.
Clubbing Rks (S) 54°42.0 N 162°26.5 W 16540 Whole Island.
10. Sea Lion Rks 55°28.0 N 163°12.0 W 16520 Whole island.
11. Ugamak I. 54°14.0 N 164°48.0 W 54°13.0 N 164°48.0 W 16520 E end of island.
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12. Akun I. 54°18.0 N 165°32.5 W 54°18.0 N 165°31.5 W 16547 Billings Head Bight.
13. Akutan I. 54°03.5 N 166°00.0 W 54°05.5 N 166°05.0 W 16520 SW corner, Cape Morgan.
14. Bogoslof I. 53°56.0 N 168°02.0 W 16500 Whole island.
15. Ogchul I. 53°00.0 N 168°24.0 W 16500 Whole island.
16. Adugak I. 52°55.0 N 169°10.5 W 16500 Whole island.
17. Yunaska I. 52°42.0 N 170°38.5 W 52°41.0 N 170°34.5 W 16500 NE end.
18. Seguam I. 52°21.0 N 172°35.0 W 52°21.0 N 172°33.0 W 16480 N coast, Saddleridge Pt.
19. Agligadak I. 52°06.5 N 172°54.0 W 16480 Whole island.
20. Kasatochi I. 52°10.0 N 175°31.5 W 52°10.5 N 175°29.0 W 16480 N half of island.
21. Adak I. 51°36.5 N 176°59.0 W 51°38.0 N 176°59.5 W 16460 SW Point, Lake Point.
22. Gramp rock 51°29.0 N 178°20.5 W 16460 Whole island.
23. Tag I. 51°33.5 N 178°34.5 W 16460 Whole island.
24. Ulak I. 51°20.0 N 178°57.0 W 51°18.5 N 178°59.5 W 16460 SE corner, Hasgox Pt.
25. Semisopochnoi 51°58.5 N 179°45.5 E 51°57.0 N 179°46.0 E 16440 E quadrant, Pochnoi Pt.
Semisopochnoi 52°01.5 N 179°37.5 E 52°01.5 N 179°39.0 E 16440 N quadrant, Petrel Pt.
26. Amchitka I. 51°22.5 N 179°28.0 E 51°21.5 N 179°25.0 E 16440 East Cape.
27. Amchitka I. 51°32.5 N 178°49.5 E 16440 Column Rocks.
28. Ayugadak Pt. 51°45.5 N 178°24.5 E 16440 SE coast of Rat Island.
29. Kiska I. 51°57.5 N 177°21.0 E 51°56.5 N 177°20.0 E 16440 W central, Lief Cove.
30. Kiska I. 51°52.5 N 177°13.0 E 51°53.5 N 177°12.0 E 16440 Cape St. Stephen.
31. Walrus I. 57°11.0 N 169°56.0 W 16380 Whole island.
32. Buldir I. 52°20.5 N 175°57.0 E 52°23.5 N 175°51.0 E 16420 Se point to NW point.
33. Agattu I. 52°24.0 N 173°21.5 E 16420 Gillion Point.
34. Agattu I. 52°23.5 N 173°43.5 E 52°22.0 N 173°41.0 E 16420 Cape Sabak.
35. Attu I. 52°54.5 N 172°28.5 E 52°57.5 N 172°31.5 E 16681 S Quadrant.
1 Each site extends in a clockwise direction from the first set of geographic coordinates along the shoreline at mean lower low water to the second set of coordinates; or, if only one set of geographic coordinates is listed, the site extends around the entire shoreline of the island at mean lower low water.

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Rookery Straits, narrows, or pass
Akutan Island Akutan Pass between Cape Morgan and Unalga Island.
Clubbing Rocks Between Clubbing Rocks and Cherni Island.
Outer Island Wildcat Pass between Rabbit and Ragged Islands.
[55 FR 49210, Nov. 26, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 42542, Aug. 28, 1991; 56 FR 58184, Nov. 18, 1991; 58 FR 16371, Mar. 26, 1993; 58 FR 53139, 53141, Oct. 14, 1993; 58 FR 58594, Nov. 2, 1993; 62 FR 24355, May 5, 1997. Redesignated and amended at 64 FR 14068-14069, Mar. 23, 1999]