216.191—Designation of Offshore Biologically Important Marine Mammal Areas.
Offshore biologically important areas for marine mammals may be nominated under this paragraph by the National Marine Fisheries Service or by members of the public.
Proponents must petition NMFS by requesting an area be added to the list of offshore biologically important areas in § 216.184(f) and submitting the following information:
Geographic region proposed for consideration (including geographic boundaries);
A list of marine mammal species or stocks within the proposed geographic region;
Whether the proposal is for year-round designation or seasonal, and if seasonal, months of years for proposed designation;
Detailed information on the biology of marine mammals within the area, including estimated population size, distribution, density, status, and the principal biological activity during the proposed period of designation sufficient for NMFS to make a preliminary determination that the area is biologically important for marine mammals; and
Detailed information on the area with regard to its importance for feeding, breeding, or migration for those species of marine mammals that have the potential to be affected by low frequency sounds;
Areas within 12 nm (22 km) of any coastline, including offshore islands, or within non-operating areas for SURTASS LFA sonar are not eligible for consideration.
If a petition does not contain sufficient information for the National Marine Fisheries Service to proceed, NMFS will determine whether the nominated area warrants further study. If so, NMFS will begin a scientific review of the area.
If through a petition or independently, NMFS makes a preliminary determination that an offshore area is biologically important for marine mammals and is not located within a previously designated area, NMFS will publish a Federal Register notice proposing to add the area to § 216.184(f) and solicit public comment.
The National Marine Fisheries Service will publish its final determination in the Federal Register.