17.103—Establishment of protection areas.
The Director may, by regulation issued in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553 and 43 CFR part 14, establish manatee protection areas whenever there is substantial evidence showing such establishment is necessary to prevent the taking of one or more manatees. Any regulation establishing a manatee protection area shall state the following information:
Whether the area is to be a manatee sanctuary or refuge.
If the area is to be a manatee sanctuary, the regulation shall state that all waterborne activities are prohibited.
If the area is to be a manatee refuge, the regulation shall state which, if any, waterborne activities are prohibited, and it shall state the applicable restrictions, if any, on permitted waterborne activities.
A description of the area sufficient enough so that its location and dimensions can be readily ascertained without resort to means other than published maps, natural or man-made physical reference points, and posted signs.
Whether the designation is to remain in effect year-round, and if not, the time of year it is to remain in effect.