Area | Species | Determination |
Unit 1C | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 1C, 1D, 3, Hoonah, Pelican, Point Baker, Sitka, and Tenakee Springs. |
Unit 1A | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 1A, except no subsistence for residents of Hyder. |
Unit 1B | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 1A, Petersburg, and Wrangell, except no subsistence for residents of Hyder. |
Unit 1C | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 1C, Haines, Hoonah, Kake, Klukwan, Skagway, and Wrangell, except no subsistence for residents of Gustavus. |
Unit 1D | Brown Bear | Residents of ID. |
Unit 1A | Deer | Residents of Units 1A and 2. |
Unit 1B | Deer | Residents of Units 1A, 1B, 2, and 3. |
Unit 1C | Deer | Residents of 1C, 1D, Hoonah, Kake, and Petersburg. |
Unit 1D | Deer | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 1B | Goat | Residents of Units 1B and 3. |
Unit 1C | Goat | Residents of Haines, Kake, Klukwan, Petersburg, and Hoonah. |
Unit 1B | Moose | Residents of Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. |
Unit 1C | Moose | Residents of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. |
Unit 1D | Moose | Residents of Unit 1D. |
Unit 2 | Deer | Residents of Unit 1A, 2, and 3. |
Unit 3 | Deer | Residents of Unit 1B, 3, Port Alexander, Port Protection, Pt. Baker, and Meyer's Chuck. |
Unit 3, Wrangell and Mitkof Islands | Moose | Residents of Units 1B, 2, and 3. |
Unit 4 | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 4 and Kake. |
Unit 4 | Deer | Residents of Unit 4, Kake, Gustavus, Haines, Petersburg, Pt. Baker, Klukwan, Port Protection, Wrangell, and Yakutat. |
Unit 4 | Goat | Residents of Sitka, Hoonah, Tenakee, Pelican, Funter Bay, Angoon, Port Alexander, and Elfin Cove. |
Unit 5 | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 5A. |
Unit 5 | Brown Bear | Residents of Yakutat. |
Unit 5 | Deer | Residents of Yakutat. |
Unit 5 | Goat | Residents of Unit 5A. |
Unit 5 | Moose | Residents of Unit 5A. |
Unit 5 | Wolf | Residents of Unit 5A. |
Unit 6A | Black Bear | Residents of Yakutat and Unit 6C and 6D, except no subsistence for Whittier. |
Unit 6, remainder | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 6C and 6D, except no subsistence for Whittier. |
Unit 6 | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 6A | Goat | Residents of Unit 5A and 6C, Chenega Bay, and Tatitlek. |
Unit 6C and Unit 6D | Goat | Residents of Unit 6C and D. |
Unit 6A | Moose | Residents of Units 5A, 6A, 6B and 6C. |
Unit 6B and Unit 6C | Moose | Residents of Units 6A, 6B and 6C. |
Unit 6D | Moose | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 6A | Wolf | Residents of Units 5A, 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 6, remainder | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11- 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 7 | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 7 | Caribou | Residents of Hope. |
Unit 7, Brown Mountain hunt area | Goat | Residents of Port Graham and Nanwalek. |
Unit 7, that portion draining into Kings Bay | Moose | Residents of Chenega Bay, Cooper Landing, Hope, and Tatitlek. |
Unit 7, remainder | Moose | Residents of Cooper Landing and Hope. |
Unit 7 | Sheep | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 7 | Ruffed Grouse | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 8 | Brown Bear | Residents of Old Harbor, Akhiok, Larsen Bay, Karluk, Ouzinkie, and Port Lions. |
Unit 8 | Deer | Residents of Unit 8. |
Unit 8 | Elk | Residents of Unit 8. |
Unit 8 | Goat | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 9D | Bison | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 9A and 9B | Black Bear | Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 17A, 17B, and 17C. |
Unit 9A | Brown Bear | Residents of Pedro Bay. |
Unit 9B | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 9B. |
Unit 9C | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 9C, Igiugig, Kakhonak, and Levelock. |
Unit 9D | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 9D and 10 (Unimak Island). |
Unit 9E | Brown Bear | Residents of Chignik, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Egegik, Ivanof Bay, Perryville, Pilot Point, Ugashik, and Port Heiden/Meshik. |
Unit 9A and Unit 9B | Caribou | Residents of Unit 9B, 9C, and 17. |
Unit 9C | Caribou | Residents of Unit 9B,9C, 17, and Egegik. |
Unit 9D | Caribou | Residents of Unit 9D, Akutan, and False Pass. |
Unit 9E | Caribou | Residents of Unit 9B, 9C, 9E, 17, Nelson Lagoon and Sand Point. |
Unit 9A, Unit 9B, Unit 9C and Unit 9E | Moose | Residents of Unit 9A, 9B, 9C, and 9E. |
Unit 9D | Moose | Residents of Cold Bay, False Pass, King Cove, Nelson Lagoon, and Sand Point. |
Unit 9B | Sheep | Residents of Iliamna, Newhalen, Nondalton, Pedro Bay, Port Alsworth, and residents of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve within Unit 9B. |
Unit 9, remainder | Sheep | No determination. |
Unit 9 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 9A, Unit B, Unit C, & Unit E | Beaver | Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 9C, 9E, and 17. |
Unit 10 Unimak Island | Brown Bear | Residents of Units 9D and 10 (Unimak Island). |
Unit 10 Unimak Island | Caribou | Residents of Akutan, False Pass, King Cove, and Sand Point. |
Unit 10, remainder | Caribou | No determination. |
Unit 10 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 11 | Bison | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 11, north of the Sanford River | Black Bear | Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Units 11 and 12. |
Unit 11, remainder | Black Bear | Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna Road (mileposts 25-46), Slana, Tazlina, Tok Cutoff Road (mileposts 79-110), Tonsina, and Units 11. |
Unit 11, north of the Sanford River | Brown Bear | Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Units 11 and 12. |
Unit 11, remainder | Brown Bear | Residents of Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Nabesna Road (mileposts 25-46), Slana, Tazlina, Tok Cutoff Road (mileposts 79-110), Tonsina, and Units 11. |
Unit 11, north of the Sanford River | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 12, 13A-D, Chickaloon, Healy Lake, and Dot Lake. |
Unit 11, remainder | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 13A-D, and Chickaloon. |
Unit 11 | Goat | Residents of Unit 11, Chitina, Chistochina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Mentasta Lake, Slana, Tazlina, Tonsina, and Dot Lake. |
Unit 11, north of the Sanford River | Moose | Residents of Unit 11, 12, 13A-D, Chickaloon, Healy Lake, and Dot Lake. |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 11, remainder | Moose | Residents of Unit 11, 13A-D, and Chickaloon. |
Unit 11, north of the Sanford River | Sheep | Residents of Unit 12, Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Dot Lake, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Healy Lake, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, McCarthy/South Wrangell/South Park, Tazlina, Tonsina, residents along the Nabesna Road—Milepost 0-46 (Nabesna Road), and residents along the McCarthy Road—Milepost 0-62 (McCarthy Road). |
Unit 11, remainder | Sheep | Residents of Chisana, Chistochina, Chitina, Copper Center, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Mentasta Lake, Slana, McCarthy/South Wrangell/South Park, Tazlina, Tonsina, residents along the Tok Cutoff—Milepost 79-110 (Mentasta Pass), residents along the Nabesna Road—Milepost 0-46 (Nabesna Road), and residents along the McCarthy Road—Milepost 0-62 (McCarthy Road). |
Unit 11 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 11 | Grouse (Spruce, Blue, Ruffed and Sharp-tailed) | Residents of Units 11, 12, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, Unit 15, 16, 20D, 22 and 23. |
Unit 11 | Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow and White-tailed) | Residents of Units 11, 12, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 and 23. |
Unit 12 | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 12, Dot Lake, Chistochina, Gakona, Mentasta Lake, and Slana. |
Unit 12 | Caribou | Residents of Unit 12, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. |
Unit 12, that portion within the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge and those lands within the Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve north and east of a line formed by the Pickerel Lake Winter Trail from the Canadian border to Pickerel Lake | Moose | Residents of Unit 12C, 13C, Dot Lake, Healy Lake. |
Unit 12, that portion east of the Nabesna River and Nabesna Glacier, and south of the Winter Trail running southeast from Pickerel Lake to the Canadian border | Moose | Residents of Unit 12, 13C, and Healy Lake. |
Unit 12, remainder | Moose | Residents of Unit 11 north of 62nd parallel, Unit 12, 13A-D and the residents of Chickaloon, Dot Lake, and Healy Lake. |
Unit 12 | Sheep | Residents of Unit 12, Chistochina, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. |
Unit 12 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 13 | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 13 and Slana. |
Unit 13B | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road and Tok Cutoff Road, mileposts 79-110), 13 residents of Unit 20D except Fort Greely, and the residents of Chickaloon. |
Unit 13C | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road and Tok Cutoff Road, mileposts 79-110), 13 Chickaloon, Dot Lake and Healy Lake. |
Unit 13A and Unit 13D | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road) 13, and the residents of Chickaloon. |
Unit 13E | Caribou | Residents of Unit 11, 12 (along the Nabesna Road) 13, Chickaloon, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239 (except no subsistence for residents of Denali National Park headquarters). |
Unit 13D | Goat | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 13A and Unit 13D | Moose | Residents of Unit 13, Chickaloon, and Slana. |
Unit 13B | Moose | Residents of Unit 13, 20D except for Fort Greely, and the residents of Chickaloon and Slana. |
Unit 13C | Moose | Residents of Unit 12, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, Healy Lake Dot Lake and Slana. |
Unit 13E | Moose | Residents of Unit 13, Chickaloon, McKinley Village, Slana, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239 (except no subsistence for residents of Denali National Park headquarters). |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 13D | Sheep | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 13 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 13 | Grouse (Spruce, Blue, Ruffed & Sharp-tailed) | Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. |
Unit 13 | Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow and White-tailed) | Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. |
Unit 14C | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 14 | Goat | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 14 | Moose | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 14A and Unit 14C | Sheep | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 15A and Unit 15B | Black Bear | Residents of Ninilchik. |
Unit 15C | Black Bear | Residents of Ninilchik, Port Graham, and Nanwalek. |
Unit 15C | Brown Bear | Residents of Ninilchik. |
Unit 15, remainder | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Residents of Units 15A and Unit 15B | Moose | Residents of Cooper Landing, Ninilchik, Nanwalek, Port Graham, and Seldovia. |
Unit 15C | Moose | Residents of Ninilchik, Nanwalek, Port Graham, and Seldovia. |
Unit 15 | Sheep | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 15 | Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow and White-tailed) | Residents of Unit 15. |
Unit 15 | Grouse (Spruce) | Residents of Unit 15. |
Unit 15 | Grouce (Ruffed) | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 16B | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 16B. |
Unit 16 | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 16A | Moose | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 16B | Moose | Residents of Unit 16B. |
Unit 16 | Sheep | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 16 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 16 | Grouce (Spruce and Ruffed) | Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. |
Unit 16 | Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow and White-tailed) | Residents of Unit 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22 & 23. |
Unit 17A and that portion of 17B draining into Nuyakuk Lake and Tikchik Lake | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 9A and B, 17, Akiak, and Akiachak. |
Unit 17, remainder | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 9A and B, and 17. |
Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and northeast to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast to the point where the Unit 17 boundary intersects the Shotgun Hills | Brown Bear | Residents of Kwethluk. |
Unit 17A, remainder | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 17, Akiak, Akiachak, Goodnews Bay, and Platinum. |
Unit 17B, that portion draining into Nuyakuk Lake and Tikchik Lake | Brown Bear | Residents of Akiak and Akiachak. |
Unit 17B and Unit 17C | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 17. |
Unit 17A, that portion west of the Izavieknik River, Upper Togiak Lake, Togiak Lake, and the main course of the Togiak River | Caribou | Residents of Goodnews Bay, Platinum, Quinhagak, Eek, Tuntutuliak, and Napakiak. |
Unit 17A, that portion north of Togiak Lake that includes Izavieknik River drainages | Caribou | Residents of Akiak, Akiachak, and Tuluksak. |
Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and northeast to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast of the point where the Unit 17 boundary intersects the Shotgun Hills | Caribou | Residents of Kwethluk. |
Unit 17B, that portionof Togiak and National Wildlife Refuge within Unit 17B | Caribou | Residents of Bethel, Goodnews Bay, Platinum, Quinhagak, Eek, Akiak, Akiachak, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, and Napakiak. |
Unit 17, remainder | Caribou | Residents of Unit 9B, 17, Lime Village, and Stony River. |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 17A and 17B, those portions north and west of a line beginning from the Unit 18 boundary at the northwest end of Nenevok Lake, to the southern point of upper Togiak Lake, and northeast to the northern point of Nuyakuk Lake, northeast of the point where the Unit 17 boundary intersects the Shotgun Hills | Moose | Residents of Kwethluk. |
Unit 17A, that portion north of Togiak Lake that includes Izavieknik River drainages | Moose | Residents of Akiak, Akiachak. |
Unit 17A, remainder | Moose | Residents of Unit 17, Goodnews Bay and Platinum; however, no subsistence for residents of Akiachak, Akiak and Quinhagak. |
Unit 17B, that portion within the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge | Moose | Residents of Akiak, Akiachak. |
Unit 17B, remainder and Unit 17C | Moose | Residents of Unit 17, Nondalton, Levelock, Goodnews Bay, and Platinum. |
Unit 17 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 17 | Beaver | Residents of Units 9A, 9B, 9C, 9E, and 17. |
Unit 18 | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 18, Unit 19A living downstream of the Holokuk River, Holy Cross, Stebbins, St. Michael, Twin Hills, and Togiak. |
Unit 18 | Brown Bear | Residents of Akiachak, Akiak, Eek, Goodnews Bay, Kwethluk, Mt. Village, Napaskiak, Platinum, Quinhagak, St. Marys, and Tuluksak. |
Unit 18 | Caribou | Residents of Unit 18, Manokotak, Stebbins, St. Michael, Togiak, Twin Hills, and Upper Kalskag. |
Unit 18, that portion of the Yukon River drainage upstream of Russian Mission and that portion of the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream of, but not including, the Tuluksak River drainage | Moose | Residents of Unit 18, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, and Chuathbaluk. |
Unit 18, that portion north of a line from Cape Romanzof to Kusilvak Mountain to Mountain Village, and all drainages north of the Yukon River downstream from Marshall | Moose | Residents of Unit 18, St. Michael, Stebbins, and Upper Kalskag. |
Unit 18, remainder | Moose | Residents of Unit 18 and Upper Kalskag. |
Unit 18 | Musk ox | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 18 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 19C and Unit 19D | Bison | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 19A and Unit 9B | Brown Bear | Residents of Units 19 and 18 within the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from, and including, the Johnson River. |
Unit 19C | Brown Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 19D | Brown Bear | Residents of Units 19A and D, Tuluksak and Lower Kalskag. |
Unit 19A and Unit 19B | Caribou | Residents of Units 19A and 19B, Unit 18 within the Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from, and including, the Johnson River, and residents of St. Marys, Marshall, Pilot Station, Russian Mission. |
Unit 19C | Caribou | Residents of Unit 19C, Lime Village, McGrath, Nikolai, and Telida. |
Unit 19D | Caribou | Residents of Unit 19D, Lime Village, Sleetmute, and Stony River. |
Unit 19A and Unit 19B | Moose | Residents of Unit 18 within Kuskokwim River drainage upstream from and including the Johnson River, and residents of Unit 19. |
Unit 19B, west of the Kogrukluk River | Moose | Residents of Eek and Quinhagak. |
Unit 19C | Moose | Residents of Unit 19. |
Unit 19D | Moose | Residents of Unit 19 and Lake Minchumina. |
Unit 19 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 20D | Bison | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Unit 20F | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and Manley. |
Unit 20E | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 12 and Dot Lake. |
Unit 20F | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and Manley. |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 20A | Caribou | Residents of Cantwell, Nenana, and those domiciled between mileposts 216 and 239 of the Parks Highway. No subsistence priority for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. |
Unit 20B | Caribou | Residents of Unit 20B, Nenana, and Tanana. |
Unit 20C | Caribou | Residents of Unit 20C living east of the Teklanika River, residents of Cantwell, Lake Minchumina, Manley Hot Springs, Minto, Nenana, Nikolai, Tanana, Telida, and those domiciled between mileposts 216 and 239 of the Parks Highway and between mileposts 300 and 309. No subsistence priority for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. |
Unit 20D and Unit 20E | Caribou | Residents of 20D, 20E, and Unit 12 north of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. |
Unit 20F | Caribou | Residents of 20F, 25D, and Manley. |
Unit 20A | Moose | Residents of Cantwell, Minto, Nenana, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239, except no subsistence for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. |
Unit 20B, Minto Flats Management Area | Moose | Residents of Minto and Nenana. |
Unit 20B, remainder | Moose | Residents of Unit 20B, Nenana, and Tanana. |
Unit 20C | Moose | Residents of Unit 20C (except that portion within Denali National Park and Preserve and that portion east of the Teklanika River), Cantwell, “Manley”, Minto, Nenana, those domiciled between mileposts 300 and 309 of the Parks Highway, Nikolai, Tanana, Telida, McKinley Village, and the area along the Parks Highway between mileposts 216 and 239. No subsistence for residents of households of the Denali National Park Headquarters. |
Unit 20D | Moose | Residents of Unit 20D and residents of Tanacross. |
Unit 20E | Moose | Residents of Unit 20E, Unit 12 north of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve, Circle, Central, Dot Lake, Healy Lake, and Mentasta Lake. |
Unit 20F | Moose | Residents of Unit 20F, Manley, Minto, and Stevens Village. |
Unit 20F | Wolf | Residents of Unit 20F, Stevens Village, and “Manley”. |
Unit 20, remainder | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 20D | Grouse, (Spruce, Ruffed and Sharp-tailed) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. |
Unit 20D | Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. |
Unit 21 | Brown Bear | Residents of Units 21 and 23. |
Unit 21A | Caribou | Residents of Units 21A, 21D, 21E, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, McGrath, and Takotna. |
Unit 21B and Unit 21C | Caribou | Residents of Units 21B, 21C, 21D, and Tanana. |
Unit 21D | Caribou | Residents of Units 21B, 21C, 21D, and Huslia. |
Unit 21E | Caribou | Residents of Units 21A, 21E, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Creek, McGrath, and Takotna. |
Unit 21A | Moose | Residents of Units 21A, 21E, Takotna, McGrath, Aniak, and Crooked Creek. |
Unit 21B and Unit 21C | Moose | Residents of Units 21B, 21C, Tanana, Ruby, and Galena. |
Unit 21D | Moose | Residents of Units 21D, Huslia, and Ruby. |
Unit 21E | Moose | Residents of Unit 21E and Russian Mission. |
Unit 21 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Ununitimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 22A | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 22A and Koyuk. |
Unit 22B | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 22B. |
Unit 22C, Unit 22D,and Unit 22E | Black Bear | No Federal subsistence priority. |
Code of Federal Regulations
Unit 22 | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 22 |
Unit 22A | Caribou | Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, 22 (except residents of St. Lawrence Island), 23, 24, Kotlik, Emmonak, Hooper Bay, Scammon Bay, Chevak, Marshall, Mountain Village, Pilot Station, Pitka's Point, Russian Mission, St. Marys, Nunam Iqua, and Alakanuk. |
Unit 22, remainder | Caribou | Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, 22 (except residents of St. Lawrence Island), 23, and 24. |
Unit 22 | Moose | Residents of Unit 22. |
Unit 22A | Musk ox | All rural residents. |
Unit 22B, west of the Darby Mountains | Musk ox | Residents of Unit 22B and 22C. |
Unit 22B, remainder | Musk ox | Residents of Unit 22B. |
Unit 22C | Musk ox | Residents of Unit 22C. |
Unit 22D | Musk ox | Residents of Units 22B, 22C, 22D, and 22E (excluding St. Lawrence Island). |
Unit 22E | Musk ox | Residents of Units 22E (excluding Little Diomede Island). |
Unit 22 | Wolf | Residents of Units 23, 22, 21D north and west of the Yukon River, and Kotlik. |
Unit 22 | Grouse (Spruce) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. |
Ptarmigan (Rock and Willow) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. | |
Unit 23 | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 23, Alatna, Allakaket, Bettles, Evansville, Galena, Hughes, Huslia, and Koyukuk. |
Unit 23 | Brown Bear | Residents of Units 21 and 23. |
Unit 23 | Caribou | Residents of Unit 21D west of the Koyukuk and Yukon Rivers, Galena, 22, 23, 24 including residents of Wiseman but not including other residents of the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area, and 26A. |
Unit 23 | Moose | Residents of Unit 23. |
Unit 23, south of Kotzebue Sound and west of and including the Buckland River drainage | Musk ox | Residents of Unit 23 south of Kotzebue Sound and west of and including the Buckland River drainage. |
Unit 23, remainder | Musk ox | Residents of Unit 23 east and north of the Buckland River drainage. |
Unit 23 | Sheep | Residents of Point Lay and Unit 23 north of the Arctic Circle. |
Unit 23 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon, and 16-26. |
Unit 23 | Grouse (Spruce and Ruffed) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. |
Unit 23 | Ptarmigan (Rock, Willow and White-tailed) | Residents of Units 11, 13 and the residents of Chickaloon, 15, 16, 20D, 22, and 23. |
Unit 24, that portion south of Caribou Mountain, and within the public lands composing or immediately adjacent to the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area | Black Bear | Residents of Stevens Village, Unit 24 and Wiseman, but not including any other residents of the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area. |
Unit 24, remainder | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 24 and Wiseman, but not including any other residents of the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area. |
Unit 24, that portion south of Caribou Mountain, and within the public lands composing or immediately adjacent to the Dalton Highway Corridor Management Area | Brown Bear | Residents of Stevens Village and residents of Unit 24. |
Unit 24, remainder | Brown Bear | Residents of Unit 24. |
Unit 24 | Caribou | Residents of Unit 24, Galena, Kobuk, Koyukuk, Stevens Village, and Tanana. |
Unit 24 | Moose | Residents of Unit 24, Koyukuk, and Galena. |
Unit 24 | Sheep | Residents of Unit 24 residing north of the Arctic Circle, Allakaket, Alatna, Hughes, and Huslia. |
Unit 24 | Wolf | Residents of Units 6, 9, 10 (Unimak Island only), 11-13 and the residents of Chickaloon and 16-26. |
Unit 25D | Black Bear | Residents of Unit 25D. |