100.15—Rural determination process.
The Board shall determine if an area or community in Alaska is rural. In determining whether a specific area of Alaska is rural, the Board shall use the following guidelines:
A community or area with a population of 2,500 or less shall be deemed to be rural unless such a community or area possesses significant characteristics of a non-rural nature, or is considered to be socially and economically a part of an urbanized area.
Communities or areas with populations above 2,500 but not more than 7,000 will be determined to be rural or non-rural.
A community with a population of more than 7,000 shall be presumed non-rural, unless such a community or area possesses significant characteristics of a rural nature.
Population data from the most recent census conducted by the United States Bureau of Census as updated by the Alaska Department of Labor shall be utilized in this process.
Community or area characteristics shall be considered in evaluating a community's rural or non-rural status. The characteristics may include, but are not limited to:
Use of fish and wildlife;
Development and diversity of the economy;
Community infrastructure;
Educational institutions.
Communities or areas which are economically, socially, and communally integrated shall be considered in the aggregate.
The Board shall periodically review rural determinations. Rural determinations shall be reviewed on a 10-year cycle, commencing with the publication of the year 2000 U.S. census. Rural determinations may be reviewed out-of-cycle in special circumstances. Once the Board makes a determination that a community has changed from rural to non-rural, a waiting period of 5 years shall be required before the non-rural determination becomes effective.
Current determinations are listed at § 100.23.