In this subpart—
Career conditional employee means an individual appointed without time limit to a competitive service position in NSPS who does not meet the definition of a career employee.
Career employee means an individual appointed without time limit to a competitive service position in NSPS who has served 3 years of substantially continuous service as described in 5 CFR 315.201(b).
Competencies has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Detail means the temporary assignment, other than temporary reassignment or temporary promotion, of an employee to another position or set of duties with the expectation that the employee will return to the permanent position of record upon expiration of the assignment. For pay and benefits purposes and for the purpose of part 351 of this title, an employee continues to encumber the position from which the employee was detailed.
Initial probationary period means the initial period of service immediately following an employee's appointment to the competitive or excepted service, as specified in § 9901.512, during which an authorized management official determines whether the employee fulfills the requirements of the position to which assigned.
Local commuting area is the geographic area that usually constitutes one area for employment purposes. It includes any population center (or two or more neighboring ones) and the surrounding localities in which people live and can reasonably be expected to travel back and forth daily to their usual place of employment.
Promotion has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Reassignment has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103. For the purpose of part 351 of this title, an official position does not include a position to which an employee is reassigned on a temporary or time-limited basis.
Reduction in band has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Supervisory probationary period means the first year of service immediately following an employee's initial appointment or placement in a supervisory position, as provided in 5 U.S.C. 3321(a)(2), during which an authorized management official determines whether the employee fulfills the requirements of the position to which assigned.
Temporary employee means an individual in the competitive or excepted service who is employed for a limited period of time not to exceed 1 year. The individual's appointment may be extended, up to a maximum established under § 9901.511(d), to perform the work of a position that does not require an additional permanent employee.
Term employee means an individual in the competitive service who is employed for a period of more than 1 year up to a maximum established under § 9901.511(d).
Time-limited employee means an individual in the excepted service who is employed for a period of more than 1 year up to a maximum established under § 9901.511(d).