In this subpart:
Adjusted salary means an NSPS employee's base salary plus any local market supplement paid to that employee. For an employee moving into NSPS from a non-NSPS position, adjusted salary also refers to non-NSPS base salary plus any applicable locality pay under 5 U.S.C. 5304, special rate supplement under 5 U.S.C. 5305, or any equivalent supplement.
Band has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Base salary means an NSPS employee's pay, as set by the authorized management official, before deductions and exclusive of additional pay of any kind (e.g., local market supplement). For an employee moving into NSPS from a non-NSPS position, base salary also refers to non-NSPS pay, before deductions and exclusive of additional pay of any kind (e.g., locality pay or a special rate supplement).
Basic pay has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Bonus means an element of the performance payout that consists of a one-time lump-sum payment made to employees. It is not part of basic pay for any purpose.
Career group has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Comparable pay band or comparable level of work has the meaning given in § 9901.103.
Competencies has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Component has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Contributing factor has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Contribution has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Contribution assessment means the determination made by the Pay Pool Manager as to the impact, extent, and scope of contribution that the employee's performance made to the accomplishment of the organization's mission and goals.
CONUS or Continental United States means the States of the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, but including the District of Columbia.
Day has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Department or DoD has the meaning given in § 9901.103.
Employee has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
General Schedule or GS has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Implementing issuance(s) has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Local market supplement means a geographic- and occupation-based supplement paid in addition to an employee's base salary, including a standard local market supplement or a targeted local market supplement, as described in § 9901.332.
Modal rating means, for the purpose of pay administration, the most frequent rating of record assigned to employees within a particular pay pool for a particular rating cycle.
National Security Personnel System (NSPS) has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Occupational series has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
OPM has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Official worksite has the meaning given that term in 5 CFR 531.605.
Pay band or band has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Pay pool has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Pay Pool Manager has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Pay Pool Panel has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Pay schedule has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Performance has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Performance payout means the total monetary value of a performance pay increase and bonus provided under § 9901.342.
Performance Review Authority has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Performance share means a unit of performance payout awarded to an employee based on performance. Performance shares may be awarded in multiples based on the employee's rating of record and specified factors, as provided in § 9901.342(f).
Performance share value means a calculated value for each performance share based on pay pool funds available and the distribution of performance shares across employees within a pay pool, expressed as a percentage of base salary.
Premium pay means payments for work performed under special conditions or circumstances, as authorized under 5 U.S.C. chapter 55, subchapter V, or §§ 9901.361 through 9901.364 (including compensatory time off).
Promotion has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Rate range means the range of base salary rates applicable to employees in a particular pay band, as described in § 9901.321. Each rate range is defined by a minimum and maximum base salary rate.
Rating of record has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Reassignment has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Reduction in band has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Retained rate means a retained base salary rate (i.e., excluding any local market supplement) above the applicable pay band maximum rate as established for an NSPS employee under the pay retention provisions in § 9901.356. For GS employees, retained rate has the meaning given that term in 5 CFR part 536.
Secretary has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.
Standard local market supplement means the local market supplement that applies to employees in a given pay schedule or band who are stationed within a specified local market area (the boundaries of which are defined under § 9901.332(b) ), unless a targeted local market supplement applies. Standard local market supplements are generally administered for covered employees in the same manner as locality-based comparability payments under 5 U.S.C. 5304 and 5304a.
Sub pay pool means a subset of a pay pool that is defined for the purpose of reconciling ratings of record, share assignments, and payout determinations.
Targeted local market supplement means a local market supplement established to address recruitment or retention difficulties or for other appropriate reasons and which applies to a defined category of employees (based on occupation or other appropriate factors) in lieu of any lower standard local market supplement that would otherwise apply.
Unacceptable performance has the meaning given that term in § 9901.103.