In this subpart:
Agency means a department, independent establishment, or other unit of the executive branch of the Federal Government, including a wholly owned Government corporation, in the States of the Union, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States.
Employee means an employee of an agency in either the competitive or excepted service or an enrollee of the Job Corps established by section 102 of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2712 ).
Identification card means the United States Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card, Optional Form 346, or an agency-issued identification card that names the types of Government-owned or -leased vehicles the holder is authorized to operate.
Identification document means an official identification form issued by an agency that properly identifies the individual as a Federal employee of the agency.
Incidental operator means an employee, other than one occupying a position officially classified as a motor vehicle operator, who is required to operate a Government-owned or -leased motor vehicle to properly carry out his or her assigned duties.
Motor vehicle means a vehicle designed and operated principally for highway transportation of property or passengers, but does not include a vehicle (a) designed or used for military field training, combat, or tactical purposes; (b) used principally within the confines of a regularly established military post, camp, or depot; or (c) regularly used by an agency in the performance of investigative, law enforcement, or intelligence duties if the head of the agency determines that exclusive control of the vehicle is essential to the effective performance of those duties.
Operator means an employee who is regularly required to operate Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles and is occupying a position officially classified as motor vehicle operator.
Road test means OPM's Test No. 544 or similar road tests developed by Federal agencies to evaluate the competency of prospective operators.
State license means a valid driver's license that would be required for the operation of similar vehicles for other than official Government business by the States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or territory or possession of the United States in which the employee is domiciled or principally employed.