An NSF employee may participate in conferences, workshops, and similar events supported by NSF funds provided that:
Where the employee's participation is undertaken in a personal capacity, his participation does not violate the restrictions on outside employment and activities of § 5301.103(a), and the approval requirements of § 5301.103(b) have been met.
Where the employee's participation is undertaken as part of his official duties as an NSF employee:
The employee shall obtain prior written approval from his Assistant Director or Office head before serving as an organizer, director, proceedings editor, or session chairperson for a conference, workshop, or similar event sponsored by NSF funds, or before presenting a paper at such an event. However, prior approval is not required where the primary purpose of the event is to plan, assess, or publicize NSF programs or needs, or where the subject of the paper or session to be presented focuses on NSF programs or needs.
The approval required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be granted only upon a determination that the importance of the employee's participation outweighs any appearance of use of official position to enhance his personal credentials.