1639.7—Initial notice to debtor.
When the Executive Director determines that a debt is owed the Board, he will send a written notice to the debtor. The notice will inform the debtor of the following:
The amount, nature, and basis of the debt;
That payment is due immediately after receipt of the notice;
That the debt is considered delinquent if it is not paid within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed or hand-delivered;
That interest charges (except for State and local governments and Indian tribes), penalty charges, and admini strative costs may be assessed against a delinquent debt;
Any rights available to the debtor to dispute the validity of the debt or to have recovery of the debt waived (citing the available review or waiver authority, the conditions for review or waiver, and the effects of the review or waiver request on the collection of the debt); and
The address, telephone number, and name of the Board official available to discuss the debt.
The Board will respond promptly to communications from the debtor.
Subsequent demand letters also will notify the debtor of any interest, penalty, or administrative costs which have been assessed and will advise the debtor that the debt may be referred to a credit reporting agency (see § 1639.5 ), a collection agency (see § 1639.6 ), the Department of Justice (see § 1639.10 ), or the Department of the Treasury (see § 1639.11 ), if it is not paid.