The system safety plan shall include, at a minimum:
A policy statement signed by the agency's chief executive that endorses the safety program and describes the authority that establishes the system safety program plan.
A clear definition of the goals and objectives for the safety program and stated management responsibilities to ensure they are achieved.
An overview of the management structure of the rail transit agency, including:
An organization chart;
A description of how the safety function is integrated into the rest of the rail transit organization; and
Clear identification of the lines of authority used by the rail transit agency to manage safety issues.
The process used to control changes to the system safety program plan, including:
Specifying an annual assessment of whether the system safety program plan should be updated; and
Required coordination with the oversight agency, including timeframes for submission, revision, and approval.
A description of the specific activities required to implement the system safety program, including:
Tasks to be performed by the rail transit safety function, by position and management accountability, specified in matrices and/or narrative format; and
Safety-related tasks to be performed by other rail transit departments, by position and management accountability, specified in matrices and/or narrative format.
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to implement its hazard management program, including activities for:
Hazard identification;
Hazard investigation, evaluation and analysis;
Hazard control and elimination;
Requirements for on-going reporting to the oversight agency relating to hazard management activities and status.
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to ensure that safety concerns are addressed in modifications to existing systems, vehicles, and equipment, which do not require formal safety certification but which may have safety impacts.
A description of the safety certification process required by the rail transit agency to ensure that safety concerns and hazards are adequately addressed prior to the initiation of passenger operations for New Starts and subsequent major projects to extend, rehabilitate, or modify an existing system, or to replace vehicles and equipment.
A description of the process used to collect, maintain, analyze, and distribute safety data, to ensure that the safety function within the rail transit organization receives the necessary information to support implementation of the system safety program.
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to perform accident notification, investigation and reporting, including:
Notification thresholds for internal and external organizations;
Accident investigation process and references to procedures;
The process used to develop, implement, and track corrective actions that address investigation findings;
Reporting to internal and external organizations; and
Coordination with the oversight agency.
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to develop an approved, coordinated schedule for all emergency management program activities, which include:
Meetings with external agencies;
Emergency planning responsibilities and requirements;
Process used to evaluate emergency preparedness, such as annual emergency field exercises;
After action reports and implementation of findings;
Revision and distribution of emergency response procedures;
Familiarization training for public safety organizations; and
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to ensure that planned and scheduled internal safety reviews are performed to evaluate compliance with the system safety program plan, including:
Identification of departments and functions subject to review;
Responsibility for scheduling reviews;
Process for conducting reviews, including the development of checklists and procedures and the issuing of findings;
Review of reporting requirements;
Tracking the status of implemented recommendations; and
Coordination with the oversight agency.
A description of the process used by the rail transit agency to develop, maintain, and ensure compliance with rules and procedures having a safety impact, including:
Identification of operating and maintenance rules and procedures subject to review;
Techniques used to assess the implementation of operating and maintenance rules and procedures by employees, such as performance testing;
Techniques used to assess the effectiveness of supervision relating to the implementation of operating and maintenance rules; and
Process for documenting results and incorporating them into the hazard management program.
A description of the process used for facilities and equipment safety inspections, including:
Identification of the facilities and equipment subject to regular safety-related inspection and testing;
Techniques used to conduct inspections and testing;
Inspection schedules and procedures; and
Description of how results are entered into the hazard management process.
A description of the maintenance audits and inspections program, including identification of the affected facilities and equipment, maintenance cycles, documentation required, and the process for integrating identified problems into the hazard management process.
A description of the training and certification program for employees and contractors, including:
Categories of safety-related work requiring training and certification;
A description of the training and certification program for employees and contractors in safety-related positions;
Process used to maintain and access employee and contractor training records; and
Process used to assess compliance with training and certification requirements.
A description of the configuration management control process, including:
The authority to make configuration changes;
Process for making changes; and
Assurances necessary for formally notifying all involved departments.
A description of the safety program for employees and contractors that incorporates the applicable local, state, and federal requirements, including:
Safety requirements that employees and contractors must follow when working on, or in close proximity to, rail transit agency property; and
Processes for ensuring the employees and contractors know and follow the requirements.
A description of the hazardous materials program, including the process used to ensure knowledge of and compliance with program requirements.
A description of the drug and alcohol program and the process used to ensure knowledge of and compliance with program requirements.
A description of the measures, controls, and assurances in place to ensure that safety principles, requirements and representatives are included in the rail transit agency's procurement process.