601.32—Petitions for rulemaking or exemptions.
Any interested person may petition the Administrator to establish, amend, or repeal a rule, or for a permanent or temporary exemption from FTA rules as allowed by law.
Each petition filed under this section must:
Be submitted in duplicate to the Administrator, Federal Transit Administration, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590;
State the name, street and mailing addresses, and telephone number of the petitioner; if the petitioner is not an individual, state the name, street and mailing addresses and telephone number of an individual designated as an agent of the petitioner for all purposes related to the petition;
Set forth the text or substance of the rule or amendment proposed, or of the rule from which the exemption is sought, or specify the rule that the petitioner seeks to have repealed, as the case may be;
Explain the interest of the petitioner in the action requested, including, in the case of a petition for an exemption, the nature and extent of the relief sought and a description of the persons to be covered by the exemption;
Contain any information and arguments available to the petitioner to support the action sought; and
In the case of a petition for exemption, except in cases in which good cause is shown, the petition must be submitted at least 120 days before the requested effective date of the exemption.