Each manufacturer, except as specified in § 583.5(f) and (g), shall determine the countries, if any, which are major foreign sources of passenger motor vehicle equipment and the percentages attributable to each such country for each carline on a model year basis, before the beginning of each model year. The manufacturer need only determine this information for the two such countries with the highest percentages. Items of equipment produced at the final assembly point (but not as part of final assembly) are treated in the same manner as if they were supplied by an allied supplier. In making determinations under this section, the U.S. and Canada are treated together as if they were one (non-foreign) country. The country of origin of nuts, bolts, clips, screws, pins, braces, gasoline, oil, blackout, phosphate rinse, windshield washer fluid, fasteners, tire assembly fluid, rivets, adhesives, grommets, and wheel weights, used in final assembly of the vehicle, is considered to be the country where final assembly of the vehicle takes place.
(b) Determining the value of items of equipment.
The value of each item of equipment is determined in the manner specified in § 583.6(b).
(c) Determining the country of origin of items of equipment.
Except as provided in (c)(2), the country of origin of each item is the country which contributes the greatest amount of value added to that item (treating the U.S. and Canada together).
Instead of making country of origin determinations in the manner specified in (c)(1), a manufacturer may, at its option, use any other methodology that is used for customs purposes (U.S. or foreign), so long as a consistent methodology is employed for all items of equipment, and the U.S. and Canada are treated together.
(d) Determination of the percentage of the total value of a carline's passenger motor vehicle equipment which is attributable to individual countries other than the U.S. and Canada.
The percentage of the value of a carline's passenger motor vehicle equipment that is attributable to each country other than the U.S. and Canada is determined on a model year basis by—
Adding up the total value of all of the passenger motor vehicle equipment (regardless of country of origin) expected to be installed in that carline during the next model year;
Adding up the value of such equipment which originated in each country other than the U.S. or Canada;
Dividing the amount calculated in paragraph (d)(2) of this section for each country by the amount calculated in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, and multiplying each result by 100.
A country is a major foreign source of passenger motor vehicle equipment for a carline only if the country is one other than the U.S. or Canada and if 15 or more percent of the total value of the carline's passenger motor vehicle equipment is attributable to the country.
In determining the percentage of the total value of a carline's passenger motor vehicle equipment which is attributable to individual countries other than the U.S. and Canada, no value which is counted as U.S./Canadian parts content is also counted as being value which originated in a country other than the U.S. or Canada.
[59 FR 37330, July 21, 1994, as amended at 60 FR 47895, Sept. 15, 1995; 64 FR 40781, July 28, 1999]