583.11—Allied suppliers of passenger motor vehicle equipment.
For each unique type of passenger motor vehicle equipment which an allied supplier supplies to the manufacturer with which it is allied, the allied supplier shall provide the manufacturer with a certificate providing the following information:
The name and address of the supplier;
A description of the unique type of equipment;
The price of the equipment to the manufacturer;
The percentage U.S./Canadian content of the equipment, determined under § 583.6(c) ;
The country of origin of the equipment, determined under § 583.7(c) ;
For equipment that may be used in an engine or transmission, the country of origin of the equipment, determined under § 583.8(c) ;
A certification for the information, pursuant to § 583.13, and the date (at least giving the month and year) of the certification.
A single certificate may cover multiple items of equipment.
Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the information provided in the certificate shall be the supplier's best estimates of price, content, and country of origin for the unique type of equipment expected to be supplied during the 12 month period beginning on the first July 1 after receipt of the request. If the unique type of equipment supplied by the supplier is expected to vary with respect to price, content, and country of origin during that period, the supplier shall base its estimates on expected averages for these factors.
The 12 month period specified in (b)(1) may be varied in time and length by the manufacturer if it determines that the alteration is not likely to result in less accurate information being provided to consumers on the label required by this part.
For allied suppliers of engines and transmissions, the information and certification required by this section is in addition to that required by § 583.12.