511.51—Initial decision.
(a) When filed.
The Presiding Officer shall endeavor to file an Initial Decision with the Administrator within sixty (60) days of the close of the record, the filing of post-hearing briefs, or the filing of replies thereto, whichever is latest.
(b) Content.
The Initial Decision shall be based upon a consideration of the entire record and it shall be supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence. It shall include:
Findings and conclusions, as well as the reasons or bases therefor, upon the material questions of fact, material issues of law, or discretion presented on the record, and should, where practicable, be accompanied by specific page citations to the record and to legal and other materials relied upon.
An appropriate order.
(c) By whom made.
The Initial Decision shall be made and filed by the Presiding Officer who presided over the hearing, unless otherwise ordered by the Administrator.
(d) Reopening of proceeding by presiding officer; termination of jurisdiction.
At any time prior to or concomitant with the filing of the Initial Decision, the Presiding Officer may reopen the proceedings for the reception of further evidence.
Except for the correction of clerical errors, the jurisdiction of the Presiding Officer is terminated upon the filing of the Initial Decision, unless and until the proceeding is remanded to the Presiding Officer by the Administrator.