The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration consists of a headquarters organization located in Washington, DC, and a unified field organization consisting of ten geographic regions. The organization of, and general spheres of responsibility within, the NHTSA are as follows:
(a) Office of the Administrator—
(1) Administrator.
Represents the Department and is the principal advisor to the Secretary in all matters related to chapters 301, 303, 305, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, and 331 of Title 49 U.S.C.; 23 U.S.C. chapter 4, except section 409; as each relates to highway safety, sections 141, 153, 154(a), (b), (d) and (e), and 158 of Title 23 U.S.C.; and such other authorities as are delegated by the Secretary of Transportation ( 49 CFR 1.50 );
Establishes NHTSA program policies, objectives, and priorities and directs development of action plans to accomplish the NHTSA mission;
Directs, controls, and evaluates the organization, program activities, performance of NHTSA staff, program and field offices;
Approves broad legislative, budgetary, fiscal and program proposals and plans; and
Takes management actions of major significance, such as those relating to changes in basic organization pattern, appointment of key personnel, allocation of resources, and matters of special political or public interest or sensitivity.
(2) Deputy Administrator.
Assists the Administrator in discharging responsibilities. Directs and coordinates the Administration's management and operational programs, and related policies and procedures at headquarters and in the field. Provides policy direction and executive direction to the Associate Administrator for State and Community Services.
(4) Director, Executive Secretariat.
Provides a central facilitative staff that administers an executive correspondence program and maintains policy files for the Administrator and Deputy Administrator, and services and support to committees as designated by the Administrator.
(5) Director, Office of Civil Rights.
As principal staff advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator on all matters pertaining to civil rights, acts as Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, Contracts Compliance Officer and Title VI (Civil Rights Act of 1964) Coordinator; assures Administration-wide compliance with related laws, Executive Orders, regulations and policies; and provides assistance to the Office of the Secretary in investigating and adjudicating formal complaints of discrimination.
(6) Director, Intergovernmental Affairs.
As the principal advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator on all intergovernmental matters, including communications with Congress, communicates agency policy and coordinates with the Chief Counsel on legislative issues affecting the agency.
(b) Chief Counsel.
As chief legal officer, provides legal services for the Administrator and the Administration; prepares litigation for the Administration; effects rulemaking actions; issues subpoenas; and serves as coordinator on legislative affairs.
(c) Senior Associate Administrators—
(1) Senior Associate Administrator for Policy and Operations.
As the principal advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator with regard to core administrative and support services, provides direction and internal management and mission support for such activities. Provides executive direction over the Associate Administrator for Advanced Research and Analysis, the Associate Administrator for Administration, the Associate Administrator for Planning, Evaluation and Budget, the Chief Information Officer and the Office of Communications and Consumer Information.
(2) Senior Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety.
As the principal advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator with regard to rulemaking, enforcement and applied research, provides direction and internal management and mission support for such activities. Provides executive direction over the Associate Administrator for Rulemaking, the Associate Administrator for Enforcement, and the Associate Administrator for Applied Research.
(3) Senior Associate Administrator for Traffic Injury Control.
As the principal advisor to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator with regard to programs to reduce traffic injury, provides direction and internal management and mission support for such activities. Provides executive direction over the Associate Administrator for Program Development and Delivery and the Associate Administrator for Injury Control Operations and Resources.
[53 FR 26258, July 12, 1988, as amended at 58 FR 12545, Mar. 5, 1993; 60 FR 15504, Mar. 24, 1995; 60 FR 43029, Aug. 18, 1995; 67 FR 44083, 44085, July 1, 2002]