231.23—Unidirectional passenger-train cars adaptable to van-type semi-trailer use.
(a) Hand brakes—
(1) Number.
Same as specified for “Passenger-Train Cars Without End-Platforms.”
(2) Location.
Each hand brake shall be so located that it can be safely operated while car is in motion. The hand brake operating device shall be located on the end of car to the left of center.
(b) Brake step—
(1) Number.
One (1).
(2) Dimensions.
Not less than twenty-eight (28) inches in length. Outside edge not less than eight (8) inches from face of car, except when “A” frame is used and extends beyond end of car, a platform of anti-skid design covering the extended portion of the “A” frame may be used as brake step.
(3) Manner of application.
Brake step shall be securely fastened to car and when additional support is necessary, metal braces having a minimum cross-sectional area three-eighths ( 3/8) by one and one-half (1 1/2) inches or equivalent shall be securely fastened to body of car with not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch bolts or rivets.
(c) Sill steps—
(1) Number.
Two (2).
(2) Dimensions.
Minimum length of tread, ten (10) preferably twelve (12) inches. Minimum cross-sectional area, one-half ( 1/2) by one and one-half (1 1/2) inches, or equivalent, wrought iron, steel or other metal of equivalent strength. Minimum clear depth, eight (8) inches.
(3) Location.
One (1) near the rear or trailing end of the car on each side, not more than twenty-four (24) inches from corner of car to center of tread of sill step.
(4) Manner of application.
Same as specified for “Passenger-Train Cars Without End-Platforms.”
(d) End-clearance.
No part of car above end sills except the brake step shall extend to within twenty (20) inches of a vertical plane parallel with end of car and passing through the outside edge of any part of an adjoining car.
(e) Side handholds—
(1) Number.
Four (4).
(2) Dimensions.
Minimum diameter, five-eighths ( 5/8) of an inch, wrought iron, steel or metal of equivalent strength. Minimum clear length, sixteen (16) preferably twenty-four (24) inches. Minimum clearance, two (2) preferably two and one-half (2 1/2) inches.
(3) Location.
Horizontal, two (2) over each sill step. Lower handhold shall be not less than twenty-four (24) nor more than thirty (30) inches above center line of coupler. Upper handhold shall be not less than fifteen (15) nor more than nineteen (19) inches above lower handhold. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than eight (8) inches from end of car.
(4) Manner of application.
Side handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch bolts with nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch rivets.
(f) Horizontal end-handholds—
(1) Number.
Seven (7).
(2) Dimensions.
Minimum diameter, five-eighths ( 5/8) of an inch, wrought iron, steel or other metal of equivalent strength. Minimum clear length, sixteen (16) inches. Minimum clearance, two (2) preferably two and one-half (2 1/2) inches.
(3) Location.
End-sill: One (1) near each side at the rear or trailing end of car on face of end-sill or sheathing over end-sill, projecting outward or downward. Clearance of outer end of handhold shall be not more than sixteen (16) inches from side of car.
Lower: One near each side of the rear or trailing end of car, not less than twenty-four (24) nor more than thirty (30) inches above center line of coupler.
Upper: One (1) near each side at the rear or trailing end of car not less than fifteen (15) nor more than nineteen (19) inches above lower handholds. Clearance of outer ends of lower and upper handholds shall be not more than eight (8) inches from side of car. Lower and upper handholds shall be spaced to coincide with corresponding side handholds, a variation of two (2) inches being allowed. On front end of car there shall be one (1) additional end handhold full length of car not less than forty (40) nor more than fifty (50) inches above center line of coupler. Clearance of each end of handhold shall be not more than eight (8) inches from side of car. When construction will not permit the use of a single handhold, four (4) handholds, each not less than sixteen (16) inches in length may be used, provided dimensions and location coincide.
(4) Manner of application.
End handholds shall be securely fastened with not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch bolts with the nuts outside (when possible) and riveted over, or with not less than one-half ( 1/2) inch rivets. When marker sockets or brackets are located so that they cannot be conveniently reached, suitable steps and handholds shall be provided for men to reach such sockets or brackets.
(g) Uncoupling levers.
Each car shall be equipped to provide means of coupling and uncoupling without the necessity of men going between the cars.